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她是当地的暴发户之一。She is one of the nouveau riche in her hometown.

这是由新式纸杯蛋糕制作的80后主题的生日蛋糕。s themed birthday cupcakes made by Cupcakes Nouveau.

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“这座城市是新艺术装饰风格爱好者们的麦加,”英嘉说。“This city is Mecca for Art Nouveau fans, ” says Inga.

宝祖利新酒是法国有史以来第一种每年都会发行新款的葡萄酒。Nouveau is the first French wine to be released every vintage.

以中国新近诞生的有钱人的标准来看,这一切并不过分。None of it was outrageous by the standards of China’s nouveau riche.

新艺术派的代表人物是捷克人阿尔方斯。Art Nouveau is the representative of the people of the Czech Alphonse.

每年,这里大约有两千五百万瓶的宝祖利新酒出口。Around 25 million bottles of Beaujolais Nouveau are exported every year.

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宝祖利新酒是法国有史以来第一种每年都会发行新款的葡萄酒。Beaujolais Nouveau is the first French wine to be released every vintage.

这些暴发户们雇佣了更多的人来服侍他们,支付的工资也有所提高。The nouveau riche is hiring more people to wait on him and paying them more.

我最好的朋友和我正享受着喝薄若莱新酒在品川。I'm enjoying drinking Beaujolais Nouveau with my best friend after a long time.

第二章介绍了新艺术时期主要的几个首饰设计师,以及他们之间的关系。In chapter 2, I introduce some Art Nouveau jewelers and find their relationship.

到了十九世纪,紫水晶被普遍使用,成为新艺术主义珠宝中一颗璀璨之星。Popular in the 19th century, Amethyst was a favorite gem in art nouveau jewelry.

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安置办公室和一个新图书馆,1988年开始了。The Nouveau Pavillon, housing offices and a new library, was inaugurated in 1988.

这件作品既代表了新艺术运动的高潮,也预示着它的尾声。The Petals Stoclet is not only a climax, but also an epilogue of the Art Nouveau.

他的有力、有弹性的线条部分特色是来自于新艺术的书法艺术。His sinuous and elastic line took part of its character from Art Nouveau calligraphy.

在宝祖利地区,将近一半的年产量都是用于宝祖利新酒。Nearly half of Beaujolais' total annual production is dedicated to Beaujolais Nouveau.

然后,他自己制造了一个,在艺术新兴活动中有明显影响的花瓶。He then made his own version of it, which is visibly influenced by the Art Nouveau movement.

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它结合了20世纪早期严谨的新艺术主义和现代舒适风。It combines a meticulously restored early 2Oth century Art Nouveau building, and contemporary comfort.

酒店设有32间客房、游泳池、健身室以及新艺术运动风格的早餐室。The 32 bedroom hotel benefits from a swimming pool, fitness room and an Art Nouveau style breakfast room.

新艺术风格图案的花边和燕尾服效应的细节,蓬松的边缘和动物图案之间的对话。A dialogue between Art Nouveau patterned lace and tuxedo-effect details, fluffy fringing and animal prints.