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本才是。Ben is.

神才是。God is.

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这是他。It is he.

鱼是我。Fish is I.

味道怎么样How is it?

它是牠的。It is its.

他是鲍勃。He is Bobe.

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他是新闻人物。He is news.

他丑丑的。He is ugly.

是免费送吗?Is it free?

它是纯洁的吗?Is it pure?

它是怪人?Is it wack?

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又是我。Is me agin.

那是爱。It is love.

是私心。It is self.

它们是计程车。It is taxi.

是顺天?The day is?

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就是要这样子。This is it.

她是谁呀?Who is she?

他是一个风云人物。He is a man.