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塞尔玛是来自奥斯陆的武器贩运商。Thelma is an arms trafficker from Oslo.

但是,在奥斯陆的谈判中,我们同意分享那部分水。But in the Oslo talks, we agreed toshare that water.

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而奥斯陆面对利恩则是对输球最积极的回应。From there it was a decent response against FC Lyn in Oslo.

第一座将于2000年春在奥斯陆南郊破土动工。The first will break ground this Spring, 2000, south of Oslo.

萨米人最集中的是在首都奥斯陆。The largest concentration of Sami people is in the capita, Oslo.

说着她回到奥斯陆安静、平和的街道上。With that she disappears back into the quiet, safe streets of Oslo.

克里斯蒂安桑挪威最南端一城市,位于斯卡格拉克海峡沿岸、奥斯陆西南。A city of extreme southern Norw ay on the Sk agerr ak southwest of Oslo.

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奥斯纳的街道上并没有紧张的城市气息或者腐朽的社会交际。Oslo is not a city whose streets hum with urban tension and social decay.

1910年6月3日,他在奥斯陆起锚,怀揣击败斯科特的愿望。He left Oslo in June 3, 1910 with the intent of beating Scott to his goal.

1979年12月11日,“贫民区的圣徒”特蕾莎修女来到奥斯陆。On Dec. 11, 1979, Mother Teresa, the "Saint of the Gutters, " went to Oslo.

奥斯陆的许多建筑物都着火了,浓烟滚滚,他说Several buildings in Oslo were on fire, smoke billowing from them, he said.

我想,在挪威奥斯陆召开的这一届ESH大会对于您来讲也很重要。This 2010 ESH meeting here in Oslo is an important meeting for you as well.

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卡特-卢克在从奥斯陆到阿比让的新闻编辑室里撒了一圈的威胁信。Carter-Ruck spray threatening letters around newsrooms from Oslo to Abidjan.

同性恋先生们在和挪威同志手球队进行友谊比赛。The participants engage in a friendly match with the Oslo gay handball team.

我们在奥斯陆奶奶家的客厅里,而我准备要去睡了。We were in the big living-room of her house in Oslo and I was ready for bed.

Holmenkollen滑雪台是奥斯陆的标志建筑之一。The Holmenkollen ski-jumping board is one of the most famous symbols of Oslo.

据说位于奥斯陆城内的维格朗雕塑公园是当今世界上最大的雕塑公园。Vigeland Park, the biggest sculpture park in the world, is in the city of Oslo.

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维格郎公园是世界上最大的雕塑公园,它位于奥斯陆城内。Vigeland Park, the biggest sculpture park in the world, is in the city of Oslo.

西蒙阿曼赢得了跳台滑雪世界杯赛在霍尔门科伦峰,奥斯陆3月14日的事件。Simon Ammann wins the ski jumping World Cup event in Holmenkollen, Oslo March 14.

奥斯陆继2005年夺冠后再度荣登榜首,而伦敦的排名今年上升了三位,获得“亚军”。Oslo maintained its top position from 2005, while London rose three places to second.