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坐在沙坑中。Sitting in a sandpit.

让我们挖沙子吧。Let's dig in the sandpit.

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你可以说这一切都是为了上帝。Can you say sandpit for GOD.

我们那时就像泡在沙坑里的男孩一样。We were just like boys in a sandpit.

马西莫·安布罗西尼随巴勒斯特拉进行技术练习,而内斯塔在沙坑中训练。Massimo Ambrosini is working on his technique with Balestra while Nesta is in the sandpit bath.

罗纳尔多随后跟马尔蒂尼一起到沙坑里做肌肉力量练习。Ronaldo then moved to the sandpit to work on muscle strengthening exercises along with Paolo Maldini.

卡拉则在沙坑里做力量训练,随后进行了技术训练。Kakha Kaladze started working on strength training in the sandpit and then focused on technical exercises.

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洞中栖息着巨型怪物沙拉克,它用数千年时间来消化猎物。In the sandpit lay the immense Sarlacc, a vile creature that would digest its prey over thousands of years.

我们的企业志愿者联邦快递于9月25日派出9名员工志愿者前往温江北斗星亲子苑修建游乐沙坑。Our corporate volunteer FedEx sent a team of 9 employees to work on a sandpit in Wenjiang BDX on Sept. 25th.

他近来开始在沙坑上跑步,以提高他脚伤的复元速度。这个治疗虽然很严苛,不过却是值得的。He has been running in a sandpit to try to increase the rate of recovery on his foot, a treatment that is tough but rewarding.

在某沙矿场的沙地上进行了基于目标控制器的汽车直线行驶牵引力控制实车道路试验。The road test of the TCS based on the target controller for the vehicle driving straightaway was performed on the sand terrain of a sandpit.

还有户外游乐场、泥沙、儿童池、儿童但不准游泳未经父母或监护人的监督时刻。There is also an outdoor playground, sandpit and children's pool, children however, are not allowed to swim without parent's or guardian's supervision at all times.

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本文介绍了北京砂石坑回填现状,分析了回填物的污染组分特征。The present situation of the sandpit backfill in Beijing has been introduced, and the pollution characteristics of the backfill material have been analyzed in this paper.

暴雪或许需要重新考虑他们和韩国政府之间交易的基本立场,否则,期待已久的星际争霸2可能最终只能获得一个幼儿花园的沙坑那么大的玩家群体。Perhaps Blizzard needs to rethink their position on dealing with Korean authorities, otherwise the long awaited StarCraft II may end up with the community the size of kinder-garden sandpit.