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在将来这些年挤牌将是不可避免的。For the next few years our squeezes will be ineluctable.

在当今这个充满竞争的社会里,任何人都无法逃避竞争。Nowadays the society is full of competition and anybody is ineluctable.

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也许是不可避免的战争,或许我们能从战场返回!Is ineluctable war perhaps, probably we can return from the battlefield.

压力以已成了我们日常生活中不可避免的事情了。Pressure with have already become the ineluctable affair in our daily life.

在学好英语的过程中,遇到困难是不可避免的。In the process of learning good English, meeting the difficulty is ineluctable.

所以代沟是不可避免的,只要正确对待就可以了。So the generation gap is ineluctable , as long as the exactitude treats all right.

面对无法逃避的死亡,客人们自然会感到愤怒和绝望。It's natural for the guests to feel anger and despair as they face their ineluctable deaths.

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你应该坚信,除了染色外,白发是遗传的,这是不可避免的事实。You should believe firmly, in addition to dying, the grey hair is genetic, this is the ineluctable fact.

这些人的前途只有毁灭,而按照不可抗拒的宇宙发展规律,未来只属于社会主义。Their cause is doomed, as in virtue of the ineluctable laws of cosmic becoming the future belongs to socialism.

作为世界经济的组成部分,中国不可避免的也将面临同样甚至是更为严峻的挑战。As the part of world economic constitute, China is ineluctable to also will face the same even more rigorous challenge.

一年前刚出现的iPhone永远改变了智能手机市场,这是个不争的事实。It remains a matter of ineluctable fact that the introduction of the iPhone just over a year ago changed the smartphone market for ever.

我们必须观察到作者按顺序所描述的,服从叙述的不可违抗法则,他同时性地想像。We must observe that what the writer describes sequentially, in obedience to the ineluctable law of narrative, he imagines simultaneously.

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在这篇文章里我详细论述了该模式下股权结构的细化安排及一些仍然不可避免的问题。In this article I talked of that under this mode the detailed arrangement of the stock ownership structure and some still ineluctable problem.

随著市场经济的不断发展和改革开放的不断深入,腐败已经成为一种不可避免的社会现象。As the continuous development of market economy and reform and opening going deeper, corruption has come out as an ineluctable social phenomenon.

候负有不可推卸的你挑选后溢出辖区蒸发棘手的浴室狂胜瓷砖和调整的每一个地方的浴缸。Receive ineluctable you pick the diminish distant uncompliant bathroom degrade limit tiles as drizzle field and a forgo secretly every place bathtub.

泛珠三角区城合作为湖南经济的发展提供了契机,但区城内九省的引资竞争不可避免。The development of Pan- Pearl River Delta provides opportunities to the economic development of Hunan province, but the competitions among the nine provinces of the delta are ineluctable.

首先是两个民族之间不可避免的文化隔阂,其次是泛政治化的头脑在极度个人化的环境中的突兀与怪异。Is an ineluctable cultural barrier of two races first, is a brains that is suffused with to politicize the next in order in the environment of the extreme personalization of suddenly with weird.

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商业网站是世界经济全球化和科技发展的必然产物,网络化与全球化成为一种不可避免的世界趋势。The business website is the inevitable outcome of economic globalization in world and science and technology development, the network and globalization become a kind of ineluctable trend of world.