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VOA美国之音的佩内洛普Poulou更多。VOA's Penelope Poulou has more.

她把自己的手表对准了佩内洛普。She held the watch towards Penelope.

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佩内洛普也准备以后少拍点戏了。Penélope also plans to work less in the future.

我是佩内洛普·布洛克,麦迪你·弗洛斯的失踪的妻子。I'm Penelope Brock, Mandeni Floors’ missing wife.

佩内洛普·克鲁兹一个月前刚生了孩子。Penelope Cruz had a baby just over one month ago.

佩内洛普·乔丹告诉警方,她的母亲死于2003年。Penelope Jordan told police her mother had died in 2003.

有一次我离开了家和我的朋友佩内洛普搭便车去了加利福尼亚。Once I left home to hitch-hike to California with my friend Penelope.

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佩内洛普喜欢跟凯特和菲姬在同一个公寓大楼里生活。Penélope lovedliving in the same apartment building as Kate and Fergie.

汤姆·克鲁斯名列第八,海蒂·克鲁姆和佩内洛普·克鲁兹并列第九。Tom Cruise ranked eighth, and Heidi Klum and Penelope Cruz tied for ninth.

佩内洛普·克鲁兹于本月早些时候嫁给了男友贾维尔-巴尔登,好莱坞又多一对新婚夫妇!Penelope Cruz and longtime love Javier Bardem tied the knot earlier this month.

佩内洛普·克鲁兹于本月早些时候嫁给了男友贾维尔-巴尔登,好莱坞又多一对新婚夫妇!Penelope Cruz and longtime love Javier Bardem tied the knot earlier this month.

马修‧麦康纳和佩内洛普‧克鲁兹在墨西哥海滨别墅的岩石上享受阳光。Matthew McConaughey and Penelope Cruz enjoy love on the rocks at a seaside villa Mexico.

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加登盖特槽床…制作自己和佩内洛普婚床,一个古老的,巨大的橄榄树了。Make your own "groove, " Penelope marriage bed, and the huge old olive trees, and it was.

在这之前,即便我们想到过她,也不过把她看作是一位有耐心的克雨雪达,留守家中的潘奈洛佩。Till now we had thought of her, if at all, as a patient Griselda , a Penelope stayathome.

坏女孩Penelope早就用她那银蓝色LG巧克力3犯下了无数滔天罪恶咯。Mean girl Penelope has already committed many, many heinous crimes with her ice-blue LG Chocolate 3.

马德里后来又和佩内洛•普布罗克结婚,但是新娘在和自己丈夫度蜜月的时候失踪了,以后就再也没有找到。He remarried to Penelope Brock but she was reported missing on their honeymoon and she was never found.

他写过一本书,其中从阿凯人海伦那儿夺走了美的棕榈枝,将它交给了可怜的潘奈洛佩。And he wrote a book in which he took away the palm of beauty from Argive Helen and handed it to poor Penelope.

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看看这些能提升牛仔魅力的小细节吧,如佩内洛普·克鲁兹的褶皱花边,或者海蒂·克鲁姆的珠饰。Look for crafty details that will dress up denim, like Penelope Cruz's frilly ruffles or Heidi Klum's beading.

第二是巴西,而以拥有好莱坞女影星佩内洛普·克鲁兹为豪的西班牙名列第三。In second place was Brazil while Spain, which boasts Hollywood actress Penelope Cruz as one of its natives, was third.

佩内洛普-克鲁兹获得了最佳女配角奖而最佳男配角则颁给了希斯*莱杰。Penelope Cruz was named Best Supporting Actress and the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor went to the late Heath Ledger.