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他决定入伍当美国海军陆战队士兵。He decided to enlist in the Marines.

长期询求与您项目合作!Enlist the long-term project cooperation with you!

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你不必全力以赴地获取学校的录取资格。You don’t have to go all out and enlist back in school.

而这部优秀的电影也会让你的同情油然而生。And this brilliant film will enlist your sympathies, too.

当然,女人女扮男装,然后参军。Of course, women did disguise themselves and enlist as men.

帮助他们对适当的日常行为的深入了解。Enlist their help on reinforcing appropriate social behaviors.

在这里,敌人搞不到兵,搞不到粮食。In this area the enemy cannot enlist soldiers or collect grain.

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从朋友或者家人那里得到支持也是很重要的。It also helps to enlist the support of friends or family members.

九步计划中的第八步是获得团队的支持。Step eight in the nine-step plan is to enlist a team for support.

接下来,他们会在当地职员中征集计算机极客的协助。Next, they enlist the assistance of the local computer geek on staff.

国大党领导人正在跟较小政党会谈,以争取他们的支持。The leadership is in talks with small groups to enlist their support.

我所遇到的一个危险策略是考虑将供应商作为支持者。One dangerous tactic I've come across is to enlist a vendor as champion.

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他辍了学,最初打算写本小说,后来又决定入伍。He dropped out, deciding first to try to write a novel and then to enlist.

你可能需要你最亲爱的人一直的帮助。You may need to enlist the help of your nearest and dearest along the way.

让总领征募你的帮助,他一定认为你的能力很高。For the master to enlist your help, he surely thought highly of your abilities.

我要报名当兵去,永不再见我亲爱的蟾宫了。I shall go and enlist for a soldier , and never see my dear Toad Hall any more!

沙苏交安正在检阅中。如果解放军要招募女兵的话,这里已经是一队了。KCC-Shatin's RSP when they March Pass. If PLA want to enlist women, here it is.

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只有被击败者和逃亡者开始作战,懦夫逃跑获得帮助。Only the defeated and deserters go to the wars, cowards that run away and enlist.

只有败军之将和逃兵才能走上这个战场,只有懦夫和逃亡者才能在这里入伍。Only the defeated and deserters go to the wars, cowards that run away and enlist.

如果这种说教发生在办公场所,在场有其他人,那么请求他人帮助。If the sermon takes place at work and other people are present, enlist their help.