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例8。向文明市民致敬!Salute eto Civilized Citizens!

向文明游客致敬!Salute to Civilized Tourists !

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伯克利的生活是非常市民化的。Life in Berkeley is very civilized.

要命,我可是个文明人呐!Confound it, one is a civilized man!

一切文明的焦点。The cynosure of all things civilized.

你看,我们是文明的生意人。You see, we are civilized businessmen.

文明人,他们会生吞掉对方。civilized people, they'll eat each other.

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许多男人都是被他们的妻子教化的。Many a man has been civilized by his wife.

中国人是有高度文明的人。The Chinese ate a highly civilized people.

凡是文明人不可能吃人肉。All the civilized people can't be cannibals.

本公司提供文明礼貌的服务。Civilized service is offered in this company.

因为这是一个他妈的文明社会。Because this is a goddamned civilized society.

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君子之学,学上帝者。What civilized people learn is God's learning.

他们有权力生活在一个文明的社会里。He has no right to live in a civilized community.

社会道德走下坡,社会文明倒退!Moral decline of society, a civilized society back!

目前我又成了文明生活的旅居者。At present I am a sojourner in civilized life again.

目前,我又是文明生活中的过客了。At present I am a sojourner in civilized life again.

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现在,我又回到城里,开始了文明生活里的寄迹。At present I am a sojourner in civilized life again.

说到文明礼仪,我想到了一个故事。Speaking of civilized manners, I thought of a story.

在文明国家,吃人肉是一种禁忌。Eating human flesh is a taboo in civilized countries.