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我们需要维护一切。We need to conserve everything.

你节约用水用能吗?Do you conserve water and energy?

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你开始保护状态了。You start to have to conserve states.

要躺卧大地,必先保护它。Conserve the earth before you lie on it.

树木凭借他们庞大的根系来储藏水源。Trees conserve water with their large roots.

尽量少开冰箱的门,由此来节约电量的消耗。Conserve energy by opening the fridge less often.

以数值文件的大小的最优化来保留带宽。Value file size optimization to conserve bandwidth.

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把食物脱水弄干贮藏以备将来食用。Foods are dehydrated to conserve them for future use.

这是唯一的方法,自然使动量守恒之道。That's the only way that nature can conserve momentum.

他在纸张的两面都写字以节省用纸。He writes on both sides of the sheet to conserve paper.

打好节能减排攻坚战和持久战。We will strive to conserve energy and reduce emissions.

覆盖植物保护土壤墒情,抑制杂草。Mulch plants to conserve soil moisture and suppress weeds.

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兴建郊野公园是为了保护我们的自然环境。Country parks are set up to conserve our natural environment.

对蜜饯冷铁有一些基本方法厂能源。There are several basic ways to conserve chiller plant energy.

你可以在网上查询节约印度和节约印度组织。You can check out Conserve India online and

抓紧时间,保存精力,放松下来吧,人生苦短!Make time, conserve someenergy for it and relax. Life is short!

冬天,为节约能源有些人在夜里把热气调小。In winter, some people conserve energy by lowing the heat at night.

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——我们要扎实推进资源节约和环境保护。We will effectively conserve resources and protect the environment.

我真的佩服蔡师姑对环保的坚持与用心。I truly admired Cai SG , in her determination to conserve and recycle.

按使用时段给能源定价的方式会在市场上掀起节能风潮。Time-of-use pricing would create a market-based incentive to conserve.