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罗伯特是个穷焊接工。Robert was a poor welder.

这是一款电介质焊接机。This is a dielectric welder.

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年长的焊接工很少放弃他的场地。The elder welder seldom yields his field.

在氩弧焊焊接机建造多次使用。The TIG welder used for much of the construction.

鲍勃15岁离开了中学,成为一个焊接工人的学徒。He left school at 15 to become an apprentice to a welder.

持有焊工上岗操作证,从事铝焊工作一年以上。With welder certificate, minimal 1 year welding experience.

电焊工戴着护目镜防止眼睛被灼伤。A welder wears goggles to protect his eyes from being burned.

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焊工为船舶制造锅炉,燃烧工程公司。Welder making boilers for a ship, Combustion Engineering Company.

设计了一种新型的电流型控制的逆变点焊机。A new current control resistance welder with inversion is designed.

秘耳焊工具有所有被它放逐之牌的所有起动式异能。Myr Welder has all activated abilities of all cards exiled with it.

剪切对焊机是高频直缝焊管生产线上的关键设备之一。The shear welder is a key unit in the longitudinally welded pipe mill line.

本实用新型涉及一种交直流两用电焊机的转换开关。The utility model relates to a change-over switch of AC-DC electric welder.

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在当作热空气焊接机使用时,可用于轻型纤维的焊接。It can be used as a hot air welder for light weight fabric welding applications.

电焊工是在中国任何城乡都可以找到的成熟技术工种。The welder is a mature technical type found in all urban and rural areas in China.

我们有一条全自动生产线和11台贴片机和无铅波峰焊机。We have facilities of 1 sets AI Machine and 11 sets SMT Machine and unleaded crest welder.

所有焊工技能检定工作应遵照经检定的焊接程序规范要求实施。All Welder Performance Qualification shall be performed in accordance with a qualified WPS.

对于国外超声波塑料焊机的应用,焊头设计是必经环节。In the service of the ultrasonic plastic Welder abroad, the design of the horn is necessary.

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目的探讨电焊工尘肺预防的经济效益和社会效益。Objective The economic and social benefits of welder pneumoconiosis prevention were studied.

系列金属薄带专用点焊机是一种为金属薄带连接的专用设备。BDN series thin metal belt spot welder is specially designed for joining with thin metal belt.

结论预防电焊工尘肺发病是减少其疾病负担的关键。Conclusion The key of decreasing disease burden is that welder pneumoconiosis being prevented.