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特别是鲑鱼。Especially the salmon.

桂鱼是鱼的一种。Salmon is a kind of fish.

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你有没有熏制的鲑鱼?。Do you have smoked salmon?

那条河里多鲑鱼。That river abounds with salmon.

鲑鱼正在向上游洄游。The salmon are running upstream.

直到鲑鱼也可以在街上歌唱。And the salmon sing in the street.

我上周钓到了一条20磅重的三文鱼。I hooked a 20-pound salmon last week.

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鲑鱼排,先生,鱼酱,先生。Salmon steak, sir. Anchovy butter, sir?

这些河流里盛产鲑鱼和狗鱼。The rivers were rich in salmon and pike.

试试三文鱼就绿芥末吧?Would you like to try salmon with wasabi?

有,刚刚进了条头等到鲑鱼。Yes, a beautiful salmon had just come in.

在三月份以前鲑鱼不会上市。Fresh Salmon doesn't come in before March.

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今天的鲑鱼很好,很新鲜。The salmon is good toady, it's very fresh.

鲑鱼排上加些什么装饰物呢?What garnishes come with the salmon steak?

我听说温哥华的三文鱼是最好的。I hear the salmon in Vancouver is the best.

雄鲑鱼弯下颚弯曲或钩状的雄鲑鱼的下颌。Curved or hooked lower jaw of a male salmon.

无盐干果、瘦肉、三文鱼都是非常好的选择。Non-salted nuts are good, lean meats, salmon.

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但值得一提的是,野生的大马哈鱼要比家养型的更棒哦!But wild salmon is better for you then farmed.

威风凛凛的白头鹰也爱吃鲑鱼。Majestic bald eagles also feast on the salmon.

当鲑鱼逆流去产卵时,熊就会大块朵颐。As salmon moves upstream to spawn, bear feasts.