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没有其他人会像汤米獾那样放肆地翻掘苔藓。No one else grubs up the moss so wantonly as Tommy Brock.

抛弃了一切道义与真理,肆意作恶,尽情裸奔。To abandon all moral truth and wantonly evil, much Luoben.

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这一规定是对中国主权的严重侵犯和践踏。The treaty wantonly violated and trampled on the sovereignty of China.

冲涌出的沟壑深深浅浅的在你我的脸上肆意漫延。Poured out of a deep gully of red light at my face you wantonly spread.

其中较为典型的表征,是“火星文”的大肆使用。Among them relatively typical token, be " Martian article " use wantonly.

一边倒的赌局中,新手刀锋毫无悬念地大肆败北。A one-sided gamble of inquiry, the beginner blade doubt to wantonly westerlo.

他们明目张胆地对我国不断发动武装入侵。They openly and wantonly carried out repeated armed intrusions into our country.

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更有甚者,一些外交官利用职务之便肆意玩弄中国女性。Moreover, some diplomats use their credentials to wantonly prey upon Chinese women.

唐某等人将赃款用于炒股和装修新房,大肆挥霍。Tangmou and others will be money for new stock and decoration, wantonly squandered.

国人不仅在海外大肆摆谱比阔,而且干脆以“阔佬”自居了。Not only in our overseas than wantonly across wide, but simply to "generous" itself.

蒲公英笑容般放纵地绽开,像大地上一枚枚彩色的钮扣。The taraxacum wantonly expressed their smiles, like the coloured buttons on the ground.

而我,抱着我的电脑依旧坐在这费罗蒙肆意蔓延的空气里,想着,写着。And I, holding my computer still sitting Feiluo Meng wantonly spread in the air, thinking, written.

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张玉成力排众议,决定将错就错,大肆树立枪王品牌,让前原佳彦深感困扰。Zhang Yucheng Lipaizhongyi, decided the wrong, wantonly set gun brand, let Maehara Kahiko feel troubled.

高填方路堤严格按设计边坡分级填筑,不得任意改变设计边坡。The high-fill subgrade is filled with levels strictly by design side slope, which cannot be changed wantonly.

十五年中,这古园的形体被不能理解它的人肆意雕琢,幸好有些东西是任谁也不能改变它的。In fifteen years, people who didn’t understand this old park had wantonly altered some of its design and structure.

是发展了,贪官们愚民宣传然后自己大肆贪污。Our society is to have developed , the corrupt officials foolish people propagates and then self embezzles wantonly.

在另一方面,它完全鄙弃传统,肆意加以破坏,这样的态度也是必须加以扭转的。On the other hand, it was totally disdain tradition, to be wantonly destroyed, such an attitude also must be reversed.

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病毒作者通过在网上大肆传播该病毒,从而达到推广6781网址导航站的目的。Virus writers through the Internet wantonly spread the virus to achieve promotion at the 6781 web site navigation purposes.

更没有当代那种对自然及物品进行恣意涂鸦式的无厘头调侃与戏谑的成份。Furthermore, there is not modern meaningless and ridiculous character that regards nature and substance as object of wantonly scrawling.

采光窗坐落在浴缸台边之上,没有了窗台的阻隔,阳光肆意地洒在浴缸里。Light inlet window is located on edge of bath crock stage, did not have windowsill cut off, sunshine is aspersed wantonly in bath crock.