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这是一个澳洲野狗!This is a dingo.

一条澳洲野狗吃了我的孩子。A dingo ate my baby!

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野狗猛追袋鼠。The dingo bursts after the roos.

我挖地三尺也把你找出来。I'll have you hunted down like a dingo.

丁哥犬是澳大利亚唯一的野生狗。The dingo is Australia's only kind of wild dog.

我们是和一样服从作为一个狂暴的流浪者。We're back and about as obedient as a rabid dingo.

我的家犬也同行旅游来了,是条用于牧羊的澳洲野犬种。My Dog, a dingo bred to herd sheep, also came on the trip.

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如果一个被激怒的野狗尾随你到家,你不要收留他。If a fucking dingo follows you home, you should not keep it.

狗来富,如果一条狗走进你家,你就会荣华富贵。Well, Dingo didn't make me rich the day he walked into my home.

桑克斯过去总是说‘我再也不想玩赌博机了。’Shanks used to say, "I never want to see another Dingo boot in my life."

野狗悄悄向前,而不知情的小袋鼠仍在忙着梳理自己。The dingo slinks forward while the joey, unaware, keeps busy grooming himself.

八合一公司正召回它的流浪者牌狗、猫和白鼬的宠物食品。The Eight in One company is recalling its Dingo brand dog, cat and ferret treats.

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八合一公司召回了它的野狗牌狗食、猫食以及雪貂食物。The Eight in One company is recalling its Dingo brand dog , cat and ferret treats.

今天它是独自打猎,这是野狗可能寻找小猎物的迹象。Today, it hunts alone, a sign the dingo is probably on the lookout for a small game.

它们都没有看到野狗穿过灌木正在接近。有一刻,一只雄性呆住了。Neither one sees the dingo approaching through the brush. For a moment, a young male freezes.

在灵敏鼻子的引导下,一只澳洲野狗徘徊在吹沙边缘——永远移动扩张的硅土。Following its keen nose, a dingo prowls the edge of a sand blow—an ever shifting expanse of silica

如果它是在宠物商店的透明塑料橱窗后面,我会有一种把它带回家的冲动!If that dingo was behind a clear plastic wall at a pet shop, we would take him home in a heartbeat.

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我寻思在这种情形下,树熊早已准备好要挂在那直到野狗受不了倒下为止。I gather that in these circumstances the koala is quite prepared to hang on until the dingo collapses.

它的恐慌是有传染性的。母亲和小袋鼠也开始逃跑。野狗猛追袋鼠。His panic proves contagious. The mother and her joey make their getaway, too. The dingo bursts after the roos.

若干年后,琳蒂虽然被宣判无罪,但仍有些澳洲人坚决认为野狗是无辜的。Some years later, her conviction was quashed yet still, some Australians are adamant that the dingo was innocent.