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费迪南·麦哲伦是谁?Who Was Ferdinand Magellan?

麦哲伦是第一个环球航行的人。Magellan was the first person to circumnavigate the globe.

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从墨西哥到麦哲伦海峡我们是一个单独的混血种族。We are one single mestizo race from Mexico to the Magellan Straits.

随着这些升级这个麦哲伦大师4250一直是我的魅力工作。With these upgrades this Magellan Maestro 4250 has been working like a charm.

在麦哲伦环游世界之前,人们都相信地球是平的。People has believed that the earth was flat before Magellan made the trip round the world.

麦哲伦媒体的创始人,出版顾问布里亚·奥利维说这丧失了一个机会。Publishing consultant Brian O'Leary, the founder of Magellan Media, says that's a lost opportunity.

但麦哲伦派出便衣搜查“维多利亚号”和“圣地亚哥号”,并收复了它们。But Magellan sent disguised raiding parties aboard the Victoria and the Santiago and recaptured them.

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麦哲伦还镇压了30多名反叛者,包括几个贵族,让他们带上镣铐干苦力。Magellan also put more than 30 other mutineers, including several noblemen, in chains, working hard labour.

1519年9月20日,麦哲伦率领270名水手从西班牙启程,开始了环球航海之旅。On September 20, 1519, Magellan and a crew of 270 men set sail from Spain on their around-the-world voyage.

和关岛及其附近岛屿的居民发生冲突。妨碍了他们获得船只供给。Conflicts with the people of Guam and the nearby islands prevented Magellan from fully resupplying his ships.

1989年,天文学家们从亚特兰蒂斯号的货舱发射了发射了麦哲伦号探测器,这次任务围棋四天时间。During a four-day mission in 1989, astronauts launched the Magellan spacecraft from the cargo bay of Atlantis.

对金星的引力场麦哲伦数据表明,地球上有较厚的地壳比以前想象的。Magellan data on Venus' gravitational field suggests the planet has a thicker crust than was previously thought.

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他们通过使用麦哲伦航天器的数据去估计火山活跃地区熔岩流的体积,最终确定了这些熔岩流的时间范围。They determined this range by using Magellan data to estimate the volume of the lava flows in the hot spot regions.

包括麦哲伦基金的彼得•林奇和沃伦•巴菲特,巴菲特过去喜欢出版关于赛马障碍赛的电子邮件。They include Peter Lynch, of Magellan Fund fame, and Warren Buffett, who used to publish a newsletter on handicapping.

不久,麦哲伦在圣胡安港发现了大量的海鸟、鱼类还有淡水,饮食问题终于得到解决。Soon, Magellan discovered in the San Juan port a large number of seabirds, fish are fresh water, food problem was solved.

自侏罗纪以来麦哲伦海山由南半球跨越赤道迁移到北半球。Since Jurassic, the Magellan Seamounts had moved to the Northern Hemisphere from the Southern Hemisphere through the equator.

车队继续释放巨大的商品和寻找他们的最新产品是这个新的麦哲伦系列发射机袋。D. Racing continue to release great looking merchandising and their latest product is this new Magellan Series Transmitter Bag.

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雷迪岛菲律宾中东部的一岛屿,属于棉兰老岛北部的米沙耶群岛。该岛于1521年被费迪南·麦哲伦发现。An island of the east-central Philippines in the Visayan group north of Mindanao. It was discovered in1521 by Ferdinand Magellan.

与麦哲伦技术创新成果在我们的产品用于制药工业设计的产品组合的合作。The cooperation with Magellan Technology results in new innovations in our product portfolio designed for the pharmaceutical industry.

“制造这一商品的工业定会飞速发展,”生产导航系统的麦哲伦航仪公司的兰迪·霍夫曼说。"The commercial industry is poised to explode," says Randy Hoffman of Magellan Systems Corp. , which manufactures navigational systems.