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我要一辆福特雅士。I want a Ford Escort.

你应该陪她回家。You should escort her home.

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我去叫三陪服务。I'll call an escort service.

我陪你去学校吧。Let me escort you to the school.

组织黄金销售押运。Organizing escort of gold shipment.

在金丝雀码头撑下去。I work as an escort in Canary Wharf.

是的,他们会护送他进首都的。Yes, to escort him into the capital.

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现在让我陪你去你的饭店好吗?。Shall I escort you to your hotel now?

请问你们警方是押解了一名遣返人员吗?Is there a deportee under your escort?

梅格俨然扮演着一个护花使者。Meg enacted escort with great dignity.

剑侠阿竹一路护送下山。O combined way down the escort bamboo.

破冰船“纳特可利克”号将给你护航。Ice-breaker Nutcracker will escort you.

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一列法拉利车队在这里只能是护送车!Ferrari here can only be the escort car!

喂,我看到有护航的飞机。Yuke Squadron Hey, I see escort fighters.

现在我想陪你去我们的公司。Now I'd like to escort you to our company.

护送者下了车,雷恩跟着。The escort got out and Raine followed him.

押送他的警察不让他跟我说话。His police escort forbade him to speak to me.

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天色已晚,我护送你们回家吧?As it is rather late, shall I escort you home?

叫他们自己来领我们出去吧。No! Let them come themselves and escort us out.

马克西姆把波琳娜送上了回家的汽车。Polina allowed Maxim to escort her home on the bus.