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吴敏马上通知曹政。Wu Min immediately notify cao.

我谨通知您,晚工程师。I wish to notify you that late Engr.

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实际上我是想事先通知你的。Actually I meant to notify you beforehand.

骡罣实际上我是想事先通知你的。Actually I meant to notify you beforehand.

如有新文章請以电邮通知我。Notify me of follow-up comments via email.

我会把开会时间通知你的。I'll notify the time of the meeting to you.

我们最迟下周四就通知你。We'll notify you next Thursday at the latest.

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如有不适,要先通知雇主。In case of illness, please notify your employer.

艾莉通知世贤她才是世贤的最后一个女人。Ailey ii the hen she is notify the last woman hen.

告知收货人或代理货物到达信息。Notify consignee or agent of arrival of shipments.

同函奉上汇款收据一张,恳请原谅我方索汇通知。We 'll notify you as soon as your remittance comes.

我一找到立脚点马上就通知你。Once I have found a place to live, I will notify you.

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品如通知奕德不要那样看待世贤。Product such as Wilson DE don't treat notify the Yin.

巧儿这是在为洪县做广告了。Qiao son this was to just notify for the Hong county.

系统可能会通知一个代理进行特殊处理。The system might notify an agent for special treatment.

青帮另一个潜伏的日本人通知坂田,叶山玉碎。Drew another latent Japanese notify sakata, cascade die.

听到蜂鸣器发声时,请联络乘务员。Please notify the crew immediately if the buzzer sounds.

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例如,它可以验证或通知外部系统。For instance, it can validate or notify external systems.

请把办公地址的更改通知他们。Please notify them of the change of the office's address.

请继续通知雷士如果您的地址变更。Please continue to notify the NVC if your address changes.