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如同已降临的这两次。As these that twice befell.

35岁时,不幸又一次降临到他的头上。When he was thirty-five, misfortune again befell on him.

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结果厄运降临,刘宏宇也被罚掉。As a result, misfortune befell. Liu Hongyu fouled out, too.

她遭到的最倒霉的事就是一连生了好几个女儿。The worst misfortune that befell her was to bear a succession of girls.

六分钟后同样的射门高出,这次是卡卢。The same fate befell the ball six minutes later, this time via the boot of Kalou.

但是灾难不因为中国农民的和平就不能降临到他们的身上。Chinese peasants were honest and peaceable, but disaster befell them just the same.

两年后,在绿洲的海拜尔,不同遭此命运的另一个犹太集团。Two years later, in the oasis of Khaybar, a different fate befell another Jewish group.

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伊格那拉看着他,大气都不敢出一下。她当然知道和乌尔都克有“异见”会有什么下场。Ignara watched him breathlessly . She knew what fate befell those who disagreed with Urduuk.

当她们再次都来到树前的时候同样的事情又发生了,一个年轻的骑士出现了。It so befell that once when they were all standing together by the tree, a young knight came up.

新教练巴尔韦德也相当不错,当然,别提他在毕尔巴鄂竞技的那档子事儿,就是因为这个才下课的。New coach Ernesto Valverde is impressive too, despite the disaster that befell him at Athletic Bilbao.

教育部长以委婉的语气,建议我“如何对最小的孩子”讲述最近发生在我们身上的惨剧。In gentle tones, the minister advised me on “how to talk with the smallest ones” about what recently befell us.

对于发生在很多祖先身上的货币事件来说,罗马共和国无疑是聪明的受益者。The Roman Republic was the intelligent beneficiary of monetary accidents which befell so many of its forebears.

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看见这事的,便将鬼附之人所遇见的,和那群猪的事,都告诉了众人。And they that saw it told them how it befell to him that was possessed with the devil, and also concerning the swine.

于是有人谴责资本主义为降临人世的罪恶渊薮,而马克思主义则能够为他们重新建立道德上的平衡。In condemning capitalism as the worst of all evils that befell mankind, Marxism reestablishes their moral equilibrium.

新年初至,灵感即降临我的书房画室,这于我可是个好兆头。Just at New Year arriving in for the first time the inspiration befell my study and atelier. This is a good omen for me.

毫无疑问的,你们已经听说了降临在崔特斯姆特的悲剧。也有人说暗黑破坏神这个恐怖之王,又再度踏上这个世界。No doubt you've heard about the tragedy that befell the town of Tristram . Some say that Diablo, the Lord of Terror, walks the world again.

一看见我,他就咕哝着“我被诱骗了,我应该预先知道那是不适合吃的,那样,坏运就不会降临到我身上。”Upon seeing me, he murmured "I was beguiled, I should have known beforehand that I wasn't befitting to eat. Then bad luck wouldn't have befell me."

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壳孢子突变随萌发个体的细胞分裂被立即表达,显示细胞倍性发生变化的遗传特征。Mutations of conchospores occurred immediately along with spores germination, revealing the genetic characters as the changes of cell ploidy befell.

这样的流动性使投资者最新一茬的“庄稼”避免了重蹈1997年-1998年亚洲金融危机前进入该地区的西方企业的覆辙。That liquidity has allowed the latest crop of investors to avoid the fate that befell Western predecessors who rushed into the region prior to the 1997-1998 Asian financial crisis.

大意是,狄俄墨得斯、阿喀琉斯、十年战事、上千首战船都无法霸占的特洛伊城,却沦陷于狡猾和泪水之中。So it befell that by false cunning and pretended tears those were conquered whom great Diomedes had never overcome, nor savage Achilles, nor ten years of ware, nor a thousand ships.