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我怎么能没有我的传记作家。I am lost without my Boswell.

鲍斯韦尔是詹森博士的传记作者。Boswell was dr johnson's biographer.

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鲍斯威尔是詹森博士的传记作者。Boswell was the biographer of dr johnson.

鲍斯威尔是约翰逊博士的传记作者。Boswell was the biographer of dr johnson.

鲍斯韦尔为怀特博士写过一本著名传记。Boswell wrote a famous biography of Dr. White.

博斯韦尔师长教师是本人们年夜学的新录用的校长。Mr. Boswell is the new president of our university.

詹姆斯·斯威尔钦羡山姆尔·森机敏的应答能力。James Boswell admired Samuel Johnson's power of repartee.

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詹姆斯·包斯威尔钦羡山姆尔·强森机敏的应答能力。James Boswell admired Samuel Johnson's power of repartee.

再也没有其他圣人能够被一个写传记的人如此不知疲倦地记下。No other saint has had so able and indefatigable a Boswell.

史蒂夫鲍斯韦尔将会汽车不再忘记贝丝的万圣节前夕面具。Steve Boswell will never forget Carly Beth's Halloween mask.

我听说博斯韦尔想委任你担任一个特别的艺术委员会的委员。I hear Boswell wants to appoint you to a special arts committee.

我也要向前任国会议员吉姆·利奇和我的朋友和同事众议员莱昂纳德·博斯韦尔表示欢迎。I also want to add my word of welcome to former Congressman Jim Leach, and my friend and colleague Congressman Leonard Boswell.

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鲍斯威尔在传记里说画家威廉·霍加斯曾认为约翰逊是一个“笨蛋”,直到约翰逊开口说话,才展示出他的口才。Boswell 's biography says painter William Hogarth thought Johnson was an "idiot" until the writer spoke to reveal his eloquence.

强森的朋友,也是他的学生兼传记作者詹姆士•波士威尔也是这样一个喜欢研究道德学问,但私底下却行为不检的人。Johnson's friend, biographer, and disciple, James Boswell was also a man who enjoyed the study of virtue but did not bother too much in its practice.

另一个有名的定义是人能制造工具,但在约翰逊博士嘲笑波斯威尔对他引用这一观点以后很久,人们经过观察也怀疑我们在这方面的独特之处。Another famous definition is that man is a tool-maker, but observation has cast doubt on our uniqueness in this respect, too, Long after Dr Johnson scoffed at Boswell for quoting it to him.