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不要在无赖身上浪费同情心。Do not waste your pity on a scamp.

吉米又把我的拖鞋藏起来了!That little scamp Jimmy has hidden my slippers again!

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不要因为赶时间而敷衍了事。Don't scamp your work because you're pressed for time.

不要因为时间仓促而马马虎虎。Don’t scamp your work because you are pressed for time.

要宠潮湿恶棍流浪汉营地下坡道灯。Don't pamperdamp scamp tramps that camp under ramp lamps.

不要纵容那些在斜坡上的街灯下栖身,湿着身子的,顽皮的流浪街童。Don't pamper damp scamp tramps that camp under ramp lamps.

不能纵容在斜坡灯下践踏潮湿露营地的流氓。Don't pamper damp scamp tramp s that camp under ramp lamps.

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他母亲叫他不要跟街上的流氓说话。His mother tell him not to talk to the scamp on the street.

我们对工作不能马马虎虎,因为我们时间很紧,工作太忙。We should not scamp our work because we are pressed for time or because we have our hands full.

我对他极为敬重,我对他应该比对你多许多倍的好感,你是个可耻的恶棍。I esteem him enormously, and I ought to like him much better than you, who are a disgraceful scamp.

这个家伙时常让我们错认为他的武器库早已弹尽粮绝。The little scamp had tempted us to think these kind of weapons were no longer to be found in his artillery.

这些成分就是他们分别对应了记者分裂的两个灵魂,丑恶和神圣感。The answer is related to two issues that correspond to the two halves of the journalistic soul, the scamp and the saint.

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其中一个诈骗犯就是用这幢位于布朗斯的大楼作为邮寄地址,用盗窃的信用申请了支票和信用卡。One scamp artist used this building in the Bronx as a mail drop for checks and credit cards ordered with stolen identities.

谁知贾菌年纪虽小,志气最大,极是淘气不怕人的。他在座上冷眼看见金荣的朋友暗助金荣,飞砚来打茗烟。This hot-tempered, fearless little scamp had watched indifferently while One of Jin Rong's friends hurled an inkstone at Mingyan.

她遇到想穿穿女人衣服寻开心的一个不相干的小伙子,便用她原有的破衣,换来她身上的这套服装,扮成个男子。She had exchanged rags with the first young scamp she came across who had thought it amusing to dress like a woman, while Eponine disguised herself like a man.

这个橄榄色皮肤的小淘气长着克拉克盖博的耳朵,和比隔壁天堂电影院满幕的奇迹还要开阔的巧克力色的大眼睛。The boy is an olive-skinned little scamp with Clark Gable ears and great chocolate eyes that open wider than the screenful of miracles at the neighborhood Cinema Paradiso.