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他做木工活,以维持生计。He makes his livelihood as a carpenter.

那么什么是正当的谋生之道呢?So, what is the right means of livelihood?

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纳西族把茶叶看做生活。Naxi people regard tea as their livelihood.

但是现在,纪万昌的生计受到了威胁。But Mr. Ji's livelihood is now under threat.

食品安全,关系到国计民生。Food safety is related to people's livelihood.

他们不关心群众的生活。They didn't care for the livelihood of the people.

本规则由琼州海峡管理处监督执行。To implement ocw livelihood management regulations.

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电力行业是一个关系到国计民生的基础行业。Food safety is a major event in people's livelihood.

这给许多人提供了生计。It affords a livelihood to a great number of people.

我们的辛劳,资源和生计全部生计都命悬于此。Our toil, resources, and livelihood are all involved.

完整奉行比丘的训练与生活。Fully endowed with the bhikkhus' training & livelihood.

他们以畜牧业为生。They depended on animal husbandry for their livelihood.

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大力保障和改善林区民生。Vigorously improve forest inhabitant people's livelihood.

父亲靠自己的双手勉强维持家计。My father gained a bare livelihood of family by his own hands.

塞迪说,人口普查中的第15至22项是关于一个人的生计状况。Questions 15 to 22 of the census pertains to one's livelihood.

为了自己的初创公司,我们将整个生活和生计都押上了。We put our entire life and livelihood at risk for the startup.

安蒂诺里坚持克隆人的决心已危及到他目前的生计。Antinori's determination to clone threatens his current livelihood.

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五年期将重点放在民生增强活动。The five-year phase will focus on livelihood enhancement activities.

由于捕虾区域关闭,他们失去了收入来源。Since the shrimping grounds were shut they have lost their livelihood.

电视民生新闻是从群众日常生活中采制而来的新闻。News of people's livelihood is the news adopted from people's daily life.