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为色盲使用的图像过滤器。Image filters for the colorblind.

色盲在儿童中的比例是十二分之一。The odds are about one in twelve that a child will be colorblind.

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去年的色盲的趋势是容易被发现,但很难解释。Last year's Colorblind trend was easy to spot , but hard to explain.

不能辨别颜色的人被称为色盲。People who cannot distinguish between colors are said to be colorblind.

能吃苦耐劳,稳定性强,有良好的团队合作精神,能适应倒班,裸眼视力1.0以上,非色盲。Good team spirited, be able to night shifts, eyesight over 1.0, not a colorblind.

头脑灵活,团队合作,身体健康,适应倒班,裸眼视力1.0以上,无色盲。Team spirited , healthy, be able to night shifts, eyesight over 1.0, not a colorblind.

由于海狮们都是天生的色盲,所以每次做画时都是由法尔斯亲自挑选合适的颜色并将颜料蘸到画笔上。Phares picks the paint colors — sea lions are colorblind — and puts paint on the brush.

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结果,我的老板是红绿色盲。After I finished at the end of the day, I found out my boss is red-green colorblind. FML

我再也不透过有色眼镜来看待事物,同时,我开始真正地认知这个世界到底应该是怎样的。I stopped seeing things through colorblind glasses and began to really view the world the way it was.

设计团队里有色盲,所以我们很清楚这一点。There are people on the development team that are colorblind so it's something we're constantly aware of.

可能是因为你色盲,于是我的童年也变成了灰色。没有欢乐、幸福的记忆,只有残缺、丑陋的伤疤。Maybe you are colorblind , so my childhood becomes gray, deprived of joy, or happy memories, but defect and ugly scars.

过去是如此的摧残著生命,几乎让你的笑蒙尘了,就好像是色盲的人混淆了颜色。The past has crippled life very badly, it has made you almost laughter blind, just like there are people who are colorblind.

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母亲色盲,父亲视力正常,他们女儿视力也正常,但他们儿子却将是色盲。The daughters of a mother who is colorblind and a father who has normal vision will have normal vision. The sons will be colorblind , however.

我十几岁时参加了加拿大皇家空军训练队,但很快被发现色弱,丧失了军事飞行的机会。I joined the Royal Canadian Air Cadets as a teenager, but soon discovered I was partially colorblind , wiping out any chance for military flying.

世上有百分之十的人是色盲。他们无法辨别某些颜色,或者他们会混淆了颜色。And there are ten percent of people in the world who are colorblind. Some color they are missing, or maybe they are mixing it up with some other color.

为保证大多数的色盲人群可以分辨颜色,应避免在同一图表中使用红绿组合。To guarantee that most people who are colorblind can distinguish groups of data that are color coded, avoid using a combination of red and green in the same display.

但我们必须给予生命新的方针。过去是如此的摧残著生命,几乎让你的笑蒙尘了,就好像是色盲的人混淆了颜色。But we will have to give life a new orientation. The past has crippled life very badly, it has made you almost laughter blind, just like there are people who are colorblind.