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安装左充压板管分隔板。Fit left plenum panel partition.

安装右侧通风板罩板。Install right plenum panel cover.

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安装左侧的增压板壁。Fit plenum panel wall on the left.

拆下左侧的增压板壁。Remove plenum panel wall on the left.

正匾以下均以梁枋隔层。The following are floor plaques are Liang Fang plenum.

多个管各流体式连接到流体室。Each of the plurality of tubes is fluidly connected to the fluid plenum.

将氧气传感器接头从增压板壁上的托架上松开。Release oxygen sensor connector from the bracket on the plenum panel wall.

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断开右侧充压板中发动机罩线束的插头。Disconnect plug connection for bonnet wire harness in plenum panel on right.

全会落幕后,从会议本身的结果来看,我认为三中全会充分回应了各方面的期待。After evaluating the outcome of the plenum I would say expectations have been met.

这次全会是在主持中共中央政治局结束。The plenum was presided over by the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee.

要把学习贯彻四中全会精神作为当前的一项重要政治任务抓紧抓好。We should study and implement the Fourth Plenum spirit as an important political task.

党的十六届四中全会明确提出构建社会主义和谐社会的目标。The Fourth Plenum of the 16th clear proposal of building a socialist harmonious society.

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全会结束后不久,当局召开了一次国际道教论坛。Shortly after the plenum ended, authorities were convening an International Daoism Forum.

也正是那时我们的全体会议在多党民主的问题上迈出了坚定的步伐。This is also when our plenum took concrete steps on the question of multiparty democracy.

分析了支线民航机一种新型亚音速带有腔室旁通道的进气道的几何形状设计和气动试验结果。The intake with plenum bypass is a new type subsonic intake for civil medium range aircraft.

出席这次全会的有,中央委员195人,候补中央委员152人。Present at the plenum were 195 members and 152 alternate members of the CPC Central Committee.

出席这次全会的有,中央委员202人,候补中央委员163人。Present at the plenum were 202 members and 163 alternate members of the CPC Central Committee.

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党的十六届四中全会提出了构建社会主义和谐社会的目标。The Fourth Plenum of the 16th CPC put forward the goal of building a socialist harmonious society.

党的十六届六中全会进─步指出,目前,我国社会总体上是和谐的。Six 10 Sixth Party Plenum further pointed out that at present, our society is harmonious in general.

中共中央十七届三中全会的一个重要议题,就是研究新形势下如何改革和完善农村的土地流转制度。After the third Plenum of the Party's17 the sector, the rural land system reform entered a new Phase.