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或者,它干脆就是一个感念大师?Or was he just a master of empathy?

同情诚可贵,但仍远远不够。Empathy is noble, but it’s not enough.

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这就是真实生活中的移情作用。This is how empathy works in real life.

我们对失业的朋友深表同情。We feel empathy for my unemployed friend.

我首先想讲的是移情。The first one I want to deal with is empathy.

你得知受术者的表层情绪。Empathy. You know the subject's surface emotions.

我们因为共同的情感和同情心而紧密联系在一起。Real ties of empathy and bonds of sympathy there.

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那么你凭你的观察跟着共鸣走。Then you can follow the empathy with your concern.

我们处理问题也要有些人情味儿。We should show empathy when we deal with problems.

这种移情作用让你想去帮助他们。The feeling of empathy makes you want to help them.

女性也在练习精神病学,这就是我们常说的移情别恋。Women also practise psychiatry. It's called empathy.

还是出于独照坐忘的心物感应。From the empathy of mind selfless into objects outer.

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我能感觉到这种移形大法在发展我的移情。I can feel this shape-shifting developing my empathy.

移情作用曾经一度被认为是人类的专利。Empathy was once thought to be a uniquely human trait.

梅尔佐夫说,这些特质就是同理心的根源。Those elements, Meltzoff says, are the roots of empathy.

汤喜耀以为星星移情别恋,一走了之。Shang Xiyao thought empathy dont love the star, a walk it.

不同的人感受到的移情程度也不同。And people differ in the extent to which they feel empathy.

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有人向我们解释说,阿曼人的这种同情心是有道理的。There is, it was explained to us, a reason for such empathy.

无知的公主跟商贾们没甚麽同感。The ignorant princess has little empathy with the businessmen.

“培养具有同情心和换位思考能力的经理人不能寄希望于学校,”达文波特说。"You can't send a manager to empathy school, " Davenport says.