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最后进行石头意象经典化的讨论。Then, it discusses the typification of the image of stone.

一开始,A和B都假定了这种交互作用类型。Form the beginning, both A and B assume this reciprocity of typification.

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从一开始,两者都在假设这个类型化的相对性。From the beginning, both A and B assume this reciprocity of typification.

这三个方面的特点突出表现了建国后的戏曲音乐创作十分注重“典型性”。These three points show the typification of music creation after liberation.

而虚拟经济与实体经济非协调发展的典型表现就是资产泡沫。The typification of incoordination between fictitious economy and real economy is asset bubble.

简述了反舰导弹设计定型仿真试验的有关问题。The concerned problem about simulation test on design typification of antiship missile are briefly discussed.

介绍了定型中应用仿真技术的优势所在。And outlines the superiorities exsited in using simulation techniques in antitank missile typification evaluations.

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伴随着新世纪以来动物小说创作的蓬勃发展,其类型化表征日益彰显。The new century animal novel has increasingly shown its typification with the vigorous development of its production.

阐述了反坦克导弹设计定型鉴定的目的及需要考核的主要内容。The objects and the main items of design typification evaluations about antitank missiles are described in this paper.

总结了在以往的设计定型鉴定中单纯依赖飞行试验的不足和局限。It summaries the lacks and limitations depending on the flight tests purely in the previous design typification evaluations.

例如在选题上的本地化、乡土化,人物的基层化、典型性,编排模式倾向传统又不乏创新。For example, localization in title selecting, grassroots tendency and typification in characterization, and the traditional editing form with innovation.

文章从叙事、人物、语言等方面对红河州本土作家涅努巴西的叙事长诗进行了较为细致的分析,揭示了文本中所体现出的民间的叙事立场和艺术持色。From the perspective of narrator, this essay brings forward the conception of folk narrative, and shows that"typification"was an important feature of folk narrative.

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其次从文本的角度看,战争文学通过“转义”和“典型化”之类的叙述策略,来实现抽象与整合历史的目的。Secondly, from the point of view of text, the war literature tries to abstract and sort out history by the narrative strategies of figurative usages and typification.

在分析军事体系对抗复杂性的基础上,根据典型化和模块化的总体建模思路,提出基于复杂系统分析的军事体系对抗概念模型建模方法。On the base of complex system research, instructed by the thinking of typification and modularization, a concept modeling method of military system conflict was put forward.

但是,音乐评论作为一种专业写作文体,应当具有更多的文艺色彩,如形象化、典型化等等。Viewed from a professional point, however, the music criticism writing should also bear the features and colors found in literature and arts such as visualization and typification.

而成为历史画题材的事件,往往是该民族众所周知的大事,同时画家在表现手法上,一般都力求理想化与典型化。Historic events used in historic paintings are usually major events widely known by society. Meanwhile, painters generally stress idealism and typification in their artistic expression.

然而,为了这种交互作用类型种类的发生,必然有一连续的社会情境,其中有两个或更多人的习惯相互连锁。However, for the kind of reciprocal typification just described to occur there must be a continuing social situation in which the habitualized actions of two or more individuals interlock.

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总结药物流产三种中医辨证分型的分布规律,以血瘀型占大多数,三种症型耳穴贴压治疗的效果均优于对照组。Summarizes three kinds of Chinese medicines abortion typification of distribution, blood stasis syndrome, three majority use auricular application effect of the treatment group were better.

分析了三维建筑分类和识别,探讨了取舍、化简、概括和位移等二维综合的基本方法的应用,总结了三维建筑综合具有方法多样性、实现复杂性和综合结果不确定性等特点。Based on analyzing on the classification and recognition of 3D building, basic methods such as selection, simplification, typification and displacement of 3D building generalization are discussed.

从共时态来看,经验活动的图式化,日常交往活动的类型化,非日常思维的常识化,分别构成日常思维三条现实的生成途径。Synchronically, schematization of experiences, typification of everyday communication, and enhancing non-everyday thinking as common sense, are three practical generative ways of everyday thinking.