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即将到来的澎湃都已在心中预演。心灵的清澈才是最终的归宿。The limpidity of the state of mind is the final home.

可是多瑙河,哪能有她这般清澈?But how could the Danube compare with such limpidity ?

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金属外观,双震动低音喇叭,玻璃按键,七色炫彩灯。Stand body, double vibration low-sounding, limpidity key-press, seven Color Dazzles the colored lantern.

他们感到了一个清澄宁静的高速流变的世界,并且找不到了自身的存在。They felt a world that high speed with quite limpidity flows to change, and canned not find the existence of the oneself.

当世界只有黑白色时,白色的纯净、清澈遭遇黑色的神秘、沉静。When there is only black and white in this world, the purity and limpidity of white meet the mystery and serenity of black.

贪婪是企业弊案的原动力,诚信、公平、透明、责任为企业永续经营的基础。Greed is the impetus of corporate fraud, integrity, justice, limpidity and responsibility are basic to corporate sustainable growth.

苇岸大自然散文与道家山水文学在清丽质朴、自然沉静中带着神秘的审美特质上有相似之处。There are some resemblances of limpidity and mystery between Weian′s prose of the natural world and the Taoist school′s landscape literature.

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香水河带给顺化市富涵思想、有节奏、有个性且悦耳清澈的散发出古老文化发源地的气息。This river brings to the city a thoughtful rhythmical individuality and the pleasant-sounding limpidity exhaling from a land of age-old culture.

在本系统设计过程中,采取了将移动车辆运动轨迹的描绘由服务器端来完成的思想,并使用了设置透明图层的技术实现了这一思想。In the process of the design, we take the idea that the track is described in server side , and realized this idea using setting a limpidity layer technology.

在餐桌前,当海子的目光第一次与我对视时,我觉得他在审视我,那只是一个瞬间,他的目光由清澈到游离。On dining table, when Haizi's eyes firstly looked at my pupils, I felt that he was inspecting me, it was an instant only, and his eyes were at a loss from limpidity.

在从巴黎穿越普罗旺斯的火车上,他眼睛紧盯窗外,看见乡间风景「和日本一样美的清澈透明气息与鲜豔的色彩效果」。On the train through Provence from Paris, his eyes glued to the window, he saw countryside "as beautiful as Japan for the limpidity of the atmosphere and the gay color effects."