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我喜欢搭便车旅行。I like hitchhiking.

搭上语义高速公路的便车Hitchhiking the semantic highway

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我20岁时开始搭便车。I started hitchhiking at the age of 20.

一次我的一位朋友和我在搭车旅行,可没人车。A friend and I were hitchhiking , but no one would stop.

我搭便车启程,用了一个星期才到。I just started hitchhiking. It took me a week to get here.

你们的报纸是否能对搭便车旅行这种风气说上几句?Can't your newspaper do something about the custom of hitchhiking?

他很严肃地想要知道我的父母怎么看待我搭便车的。Sternly, he demanded to know what my parents thought about my hitchhiking.

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中国人还不习惯沿途搭乘便车或者让人搭乘便车。Chinese people are not used to hitchhiking or offering the hitchhikers a lift.

尽管存在风险,但赵小皮认为我们都可以适当接受一点“搭便车心理疗法”。Despite some risks, Zhao thinks we could all do with a little hitchhiking therapy.

当然,至于我十岁的女儿搭车横穿美国现在是不可能发生的。Of course, as far as my ten-year-old hitchhiking across America-that wasn't going to happen.

让年仅十岁的女儿搭车穿越美洲,那当然是不可能发生的事情。Of course, as far as my ten-year-old hitchhiking across America---that wasn't going to happen.

那年我十四岁,一路搭乘便车,从德克萨斯的休斯敦经埃尔帕索去加利福尼亚。When I was 14, I was hitchhiking from Houston, Texas, through El Paso on my way to California.

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美国人用“大拇指”表示搭车,欧洲人要搭车时则是上下挥手。Americans "thumb" a ride, while many Europeans wave the whole hand up and down when hitchhiking.

我恰好一直搭便车游览整个欧洲,当我在里斯本的大街上看到乞丐时,我非常震撼。I had just been hitchhiking around Europe and was shocked to see beggars on the streets of Lisbon.

第二天,又是一个美丽的夏日,轻而易举就搭上了车,几个小时后我就回来了。The next day was another beautiful summer day. Hitchhiking was easy, and I got back in a few hours.

在日本的第一年,我曾搭便车旅行,到过西海岸的很多渔村。During my first year in Japan I took a hitchhiking trip and went to numerous fishing villages on the west coast of Japan.

早期的太阳系中可以看到通过在地球和火星之间分散搭陨石便车进行行星际相互交流的微生物。The early solar system may have seen planetary cross-fertilization via dispersal of hitchhiking microbes between Earth andMars meteorites.

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梅南夫人因有事要出门几日,在新来的女仆人贝伦的协助下,卢伊萨搭车来到城里探望卡丁。MeiNa because of something going out in new days housemaid BeiLun under the assistance, Lou issa came to the city to visit KaDing hitchhiking.

但是到了90年代,它们来到了加利福利亚,它们搭乘运送蜜蜂的蜂箱,漫游于各个农场,也传到了授粉公司。But in the 1990s, they made it to California, hitchhiking on the pallets used to transport honeybees moved from farm to farm to pollinate crops.

在高速公路大行其道的日子里,六十六号公路挤满了来自沙旋的逃难者、二战的补给品、搭便车的美国大兵和战后来寻找加州梦想的人。In the highway's heyday, Route 66 streamed with Dust Bowl fugitives, World War II supplies, hitchhiking GI's and post-war seekers of the California dream.