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首先,合资企业本身多少就是一个时代错误。For one thing, JVs themselves are a tad anachronistic.

像总会屋一样,这些日子将成为时代错误。Those days are becoming as anachronistic as the sokaiya.

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遗憾的是这类事物最终还是流于不合时宜和脱离时代了。It is a shame such things have come to seem so anachronistic.

他们说,“这是不合时宜的使用这些括号中的0.018矫治时代”。They say "It's anachronistic to use these brackets in the . 018 Edgewise era".

然而在主后第二世纪,把东正教,和基督教异教相提并论不合时宜。In the second century,though,it's anachronistic to talk about orthodox Christianity versus heretical Christianity.

尽管这个神话的起源还不甚清楚,但科学已经证实了它的虚伪性,而且全球化的世界也使得它与时代不相适宜。Though the origin of this myth is cloudy, science has proven its falsity, and a globalized world has rendered it anachronistic.

维柯是不合时宜和贫困那不勒斯哲学家有时与人文科学的创始记。Giambattista Vico was the anachronistic and impoverished Neapolitan philosopher sometimes credited with founding the human sciences.

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一个内阁发布了苏格兰的国务大臣在1998年将权利转移到爱丁堡是一个时代错误。One of their cabinet posts, secretary of state for Scotland, has been anachronistic since powers were devolved to Edinburgh in 1998.

他只有一件西装——是在他结婚那天第一次穿的那件——它有一颗有时代印记的塑料纽扣。He only owns one shirt -- the one he wore for the first time on the day of his marriage -- and it has an anachronistic plastic collar.

除了一些开明的观众,许多人都因为无法接受这种带有历史错误的华采段而归咎于我。I must tell you that, aside from the most enlightened minds, many accused me of having composed this unacceptable and anachronistic cadenza.

美国是北半球唯一和古巴没有外交关系的国家,很多批评人士认为这一姿态是不合时宜且弄巧成拙。The US is the only country in the hemisphere to not have diplomatic ties with Havana, a position many critics consider anachronistic and self-defeating.

我们可以想象-这里有一个时代有些错误的术语,但是他的确是越来越左派,并正在成为我们目前,贴上“清教徒“标签的标志人物之一We can think of it -- this is an anachronistic term -but increasingly leftist, and he's becoming one of those figures that we can now identify with this label of "Puritan."

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我们可以想象-这里有一个时代有些错误的术语,但是他的确是越来越左派,并正在成为我们目前,贴上“清教徒“标签的标志人物之一“We can think of it -- this is an anachronistic term -but increasingly leftist, and he's becoming one of those figures that we can now identify with this label of "Puritan."

俄罗斯总理弗拉基米尔·普京曾经批评世界银行、国际货币基金组织和世界贸易组织是时代错误的组织,它们不能给新兴经济体提供支持。Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has criticized the World Bank, IMF and World Trade Organization as anachronistic organizations that give no voice to emerging economies.

尽管如此我们还是发现埃里克·沃格林和他的追随者们喋喋不休的宣称“灵知主义者”是现代极权主义的起源。Yet one still finds anachronistic and peculiar accounts of "Gnosticism" by Eric Voegelin and his followers that routinely claim "gnosis" as the origin of modern totalitarianism.

强有力的回答“不”像锤击声那样短暂、有力、乾脆,这就是在帝国主义横行霸道的不幸日子�该从我们口中愤怒地喷发而出,用以挽救我们民族尊严的词。Brief, solid, affirmative as a hammer blow, this is the virile word, which must enflame lips and save the honor of our people, in these unfortunate days of anachronistic imperialism.

他对中国传统文化的谙熟、迷恋,使这部诞生于一个“咸与维新”时代的书,字里行间弥漫着一种不合时宜的怀旧气息。He was familiar with traditional Chinese culture, obsession, so this was born in a "salt and reform" era, the book, between the lines filled with a nostalgic atmosphere anachronistic.

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其中包含的许多影集,都是对在下载和硬盘时代近乎落伍的个人书籍制作、「仅此一件」作品的艺术和工艺的致敬。Many of the albums included here are testaments to the art and craft of personalised book-making, one-offs that seem almost anachronistic in the age of the download and the hard drive.

在一世纪讲这个是时代错误的,当时还不存在统一的基督教,我们往后会讲到对耶稣的不同观点,对犹太律法的不同观点。It's anachronistic in the first century to even talk about "Christianity" as one thing, because as we'll show,there were different views of Jesus, there were different views of the Jewish law.

所以我回想了一下,当这位伟大的创造家抬起他的塑料手臂,说,也许总有办法,能让Akenside的意思更复杂,有一个很好的例子就是,“plastic“一词古今意思的差别“,和诗歌的意境有关。So I went back to the great creator raising his plastic arm and suggested that, well, maybe after all there might be some good way of complicating the meaning of Akenside by suggesting that the modern, anachronistic meaning of "plastic" would be relevant to the sense of the poem.