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骑车的人使劲儿按车铃。The cyclist rang his bell loudly.

给郁金香园地拍照的的骑车人。Cyclist taking photo of tulip field.

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5月11日,一个布隆迪骑车人踩着脚踏冲坡。A Burundian cyclist pedals downhill on May 11.

克里斯•霍伊。他是个自行车运动员。他有强健的双腿。Chris Hoy. He's a cyclist. He has massive legs.

因为我喜欢蹬自行车呀,小多是世界上最好的自行车手。Because I like cycling and he is the best cyclist in the world.

我加入自行车运动的原因是因为我父亲热衷自行车运动。The reason I got into cycling was because my dad was a keen cyclist.

她猛然向左转动方向盘避开壹个骑车的人。She turned the steering-wheel sharply to the left to avoid a cyclist.

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一位裸身单车骑士六月十一日在智利圣地牙哥被防暴警察拘捕。A naked cyclist is detained by riot police in Santiago, Chile, on June 11.

一个顶尖的自行车骑者骑特殊的自行车在一分钟内能骑四千米。A top cyclist on a special bike can ride about four kilometers in a minute.

自我辅导的骑手必须学习客观及不动情感的思考模式。The self-coached cyclist must learn to think objectively and unemotionally.

这是一名市民骑着自行车在孟买郊区印度富豪穆克什•安巴尼的开发区兜风。A cyclist rides by Dhirubhai Ambani Corporate City on the outskirts of Mumbai.

阿姆斯特朗并非是第一位跑完五个城区的环法自行车手。搜索更多短句爱词霸百科…Armstrong is not the first Tour de France cyclist to tackle the five boroughs.

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有人告诉我,一个健康的骑行者可以在两天半时间里走完这条路。I've been told that a fit cyclist can cover the distance in two and a half days.

这份报告由癌症协会、全球抗癌运动Livestrong、癌症幸存者和自行车名将兰斯·阿姆斯壮的基金会共同完成。It was done with Livestrong, cancer survivorand cyclist Lance Armstrong's foundation.

一个路人就当什么也没发生似的从她身边走过,一个骑单车的人看看她就离开了。One man walked by her without even flinching. The cyclist looked at her and then left.

伊泉是一位充满激情的德国自行车选手,她在美国生活了六年。Ines Brunn is a German physicist and passionate cyclist that lived in the USA for 6 years.

在7岁的时候,他在其父莫哈桑·马克马巴夫导演的“骑自行车的人”中出演。At the age of seven, she played in "The Cyclist" directed by Mohsen Makhmalbaf, her father.

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周日北京一名脚踏车骑士为躲避沙尘暴的强风,选择在林荫夹道的道路前行。A cyclist chooses a tree-lined road to avoid strong winds from dust storms in Beijing on Sunday.

珍妮的儿子艾伦也是一名世界级的自行车手,也曾打破八公里级转轮比赛记录。Janine's son, Aaron is also a world-class cyclist and holds the record for an eight-mile wheelie.

他们当中其中一人拨打电话报警,另外一人打120,剩下的两人则照顾伤者。One of them called the policeman, one dailed 120. And the others were taking care of the cyclist.