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然而,在这城垛上漫步是多么让人愉快。And yet so pleasant for walking on the battlements.

目前只发现城垛、城门各三处。Currently only found in battlements , gates of all three.

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我们突然看到先生爬到城垛上站在她身后。And suddenly we saw Mr. Edward behind her on the battlements.

这些的当中是黄泉城市的城垛和防御。One of these is the battlements and defenses of the city of Dis.

在微风中,城堡的雉堞式装饰墙上飘着一面旗帜。From the battlements of the tower floated a flag in the soft wind.

城墙外侧有供了望和射击用的城垛。The outer wall lookout for are used in the shooting and battlements.

守卫从城垛中俯视我们,并询问我们有何贵干。The guards looked down from the battlements and asked us our business.

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这个他们为了保卫自己的城市而在上面战斗过的城垛仍然完好无损。The battlements on which they had fought to defend their city are still intact.

结果他用手臂拉上珍妮引导她去城垛大门。Instead he took Jeyne by the arm and drew her down the pathway to the Battlements Gate.

城墙上是三层高的城楼,有着红色的木质梁柱和长长的曲檐,好像是一个传统庙宇里的建筑。Atop the battlements are three-story temple-style buildings with red wooden pillars and long curved eaves.

在北京紫禁城城墙的四角处,各建有一座造型奇特、风姿绰约的角楼。In Beijing the Forbidden City wall's four place, each has a peculiar modelling, charm gracefuls battlements.

他们依旧在城堡里,所有的门都关着拦着,而城墙上到处都是守卫。They were still inside the castle, with every gate closed and barred and the battlements thick with sentries.

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但是霍丽拉住了他,他们一起将珍妮抬到了城垛上。But Holly pulled him back onto his feet, and between the two of them they finally got Jeyne up to the battlements.

那么,如果因为瘸拐你不能自个儿走上战场,而靠另一个人的帮助你却可能时怎么办呢?How then, if being lame thou canst not mount up on the battlements alone, but with the help of a nother it is possible?

变成旅游者的士兵集合在古老的战斗堡垒,一段军人修复的长城的顶上。Mustering at battlements of old, soldiers-turned-tourists gather atop a section of the Great Wall restored with army labor.

城堡旅馆本身倒是一件迷人的古董,可从它的防卫墙向外望去,却看不到任何非洲有名的风景。The Castle is a charming curiosity, but from its battlements the horizons hold none of the views for which Africa is famous.

从城垛子中间伸出来一个个黑喙,远远望去以为是承溜,其实全是大炮。Those sorts of black beaks which project from between the battlements , and which you take from a distance to be cave spouts, are cannons.

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看上去好像这道围墙打算就此结束了,但它一完成,第二圈城垛开始从中心升起来。It looks as if the wall was meant to end there but as soon as it was finished a second circle of battlements began to rise from the centre.

临冬城已经从睡梦中醒来几个小时了,它的城垛和高塔上挤满了穿着羊毛身披盔甲和皮衣的人,等着似乎永远不会到来的袭击。Winterfell had been awake for hours, its battlements and towers crammed with men in wool and mail and leather awaiting an attack that never came.

离开塘沽那些思乡的美军后,我经天津前往北平,在一九四六年除夕进入城墙上筑有雉堞的北平城。Leaving the homesick Americans at Tangku, I passed through Tientsin to Peiping, entering the crenelated battlements of the Tartar City on the last day of 1946.