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我们的餐具。Our dishware.

你可以带自己的餐具去啊。You can bring your own dishware if you like.

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清洁厨具后,用水冲洗餐具即可。Washing the dishware with water after cleaning.

筷子也是当今世界上一种独特的餐具。Chopsticks are also a unique dishware in the world.

这餐厅的餐碗碟筷都是我父母经营的批发公司供应的。This restaurant's dishware is from my parent's wholesale business.

上好的餐桌餐椅,与精致独特的餐具同等重要。The graceful dining furniture is as important as the elegant and unique dishware.

餐具的旋转和移动水管的运动都由同一电机驱动。The same electric machine drives the running and moving water pipes of the dishware.

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要使每个人都感到特别,你可以混合不同质量的容器和在你的进餐时间摆设。Make everyday special by incorporating quality dishware and place settings into your mealtimes.

尖锐的叉子及易破的餐具也不宜让幼童使用,以免发生意外。Keen-edged fork and cracky dishware is not suitable for children to use, for fear that suddenness happens.

项目初步确定在南郊工业园区建设一次降解餐饮具生产基地。The production base for diposable and degradable dishware will be built in the South Suburb Industrial Park.

和得了艾滋病的人握手,接吻、共用餐具、渴下对方的唾液、会感染艾滋吗?Will I get infected if I shake hand with an AIDS patient, kiss them, share dishware with them or drink their slaver?

你可以带自己的餐具去啊。食堂总比外面的小饭店卫生一些吧。You can bring your own dishware if you like. Anyway, it's cleaner to eat in the dining hall than in a small restaurant.

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大约有半数的一次性餐具是不安全的,其制作材料中含有超标的可致癌化学品。About half of the disposable dishware used in the country is unsafe, with excessive amounts of chemicals that can cause cancer.

我们要采购塑料袋,塑料家庭用品,浴帘,淋浴帽,台布,塑胶餐具,塑胶制品。We want to buy Plastic Bag, Plastic Household Goods, Shower Curtain, Shower Caps, Table Cloth, Plastic Dishware Plastic Products.

亚信“满园春”系列高级餐具组合由汤匙、子构成,是目前国内最新款式的中式餐具完美组合。High-class compounding dishware series, composing of tablespoons and chopsticks, is the latest perfect combination of dishware in China.

在帐篷里,一支红蜡烛,烛油淋淋漓漓地淌下来,淌满了古铜高柄烛台的浮雕的碟子。In tent, a red candle was burning with the wax oil trickling continuously and having filled the bronze high-leg candler's empaistic dishware.

消费者权益组织建议,如有可能,感到担心的消费者可以购买美国或欧洲生产的陶瓷餐具,这些地区的安全标准更为严格。Consumer advocates advise worried consumers to purchase ceramic dishware made in the U. S. or Europe, if possible, where safety standards are tighter.

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目的全面了解深圳市学校食堂餐具的卫生质量情况,为今后学校师生食堂餐饮卫生监督提供科学依据。Objective To learn the overall hygienic status of the dishware in school dinning halls of Shenzhen and provide scientific basis for future hygienic supervision.

一向追求专业设计,精工制作中西餐具、不锈钢餐具、咖啡杯碟等系列高档产品。Yongcheng is always pursuing professional design and making western and Chinese dishware, stainless steel dishware and coffee set etc high grade products by fine working.

这些让你好奇——特别是如果你的家庭节日宴会往往以拳脚相加和破碎的餐具结束时——这几乎是普遍存在的庆祝重要节日的方式是怎么起源的。It makes you wonder — especially if your family feasts tend to end in fistfights and broken dishware — how this nearly universal means of marking important events got started.