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所以我建议让达尔马提亚狗做我的接班人。So I suggest a Dalmatian as my successor.

达尔马提亚可以成为一个很好的例子。The Dalmatian can serve as a good example.

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达尔马提亚可以成为一个很好的例子。Bucks says there's a coat in there made out of dalmatian puppies.

所有军队中都有达尔马提亚人,从达尔马提亚海滩而来,以及瑞士人Everybody had Dalmatians, people from the Dalmatian coast, and Swiss.

达尔马西亚狗命名的来源除了与那么多著名的地点有联系,也和大丹犬有关。Despite those famous spots, the Dalmatian is related to the Great Dane.

南斯拉夫西部城市,位于爱琴海的德莫森海岸。A city of western Yugoslavia on the Dalmatian coast of the Adriatic Sea.

资深工程师卢克·范·杜吉克带着他的斑点狗来上班。One of the senior engineers, Luuk van Dijk, brings his Dalmatian to work.

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Ojkanje唱歌是在克罗地亚的达尔马提亚地区的村庄的传统。Ojkanje singing is a tradition in villages in the Dalmatian area of Croatia.

沿海为达尔马提亚海岸,北部为斯拉沃尼丘陵与萨瓦河沿岸平原。Dalmatian coast to coast, north to the Sava River Slavonski hills and coastal plain.

幸好,消防队员没有从这个部门的职位上开除温和的斑点狗。Fortunately, Firemen did not fire the gentle Dalmatian from his position in the Department.

克洛艾也倾心于他,直到来了警察,以偷窃数只花。Chloe is taken with him too, until the police arrive and arrest Kevin for the theft of several Dalmatian puppies.

然而,她的诺言没能保持多久,为了最终得到花斑大衣,她很快策划起又一项关于狗皮的计划。However, she cannot keep this promise for long and is soon plotting another"fur?ocious"scheme to get her ultimate Dalmatian coat.

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这里有不少健壮的动物,象松狮犬、大麦町犬、法国斗牛犬和荷兰毛狮犬,它们具有完全不同的性格和外貌。Here are sturdy animals with as different personalities and appearances as the Chow Chow, Dalmatian , French Bulldog , and Keeshond.

当大麦町犬警惕时,耳朵顶部与头顶齐平,耳尖延伸倒面颊底线的位置。When the Dalmatian is alert, the top of the ear is level with the top of the skull and the tip of the ear reaches to the bottom line of the cheek.

到访杜布罗夫尼克也许会使人感到不安,但是只要你深入她的内里——穿越克罗地亚达尔玛提亚海岸的舒适地区,便会得到丰厚的奖赏。Poignant as a visit to Dubrovnik may be, rich rewards await those who push into the interior -- beyond the comfort zone of Croatia's Dalmatian Coast.

德国霍伦-特维伦弗莱特附近的易北河,一位消防员从冰盖中救出了达尔马西亚人韦迪。约30名救援组织成员参加了营救行动。A fireman saves a Dalmatian named Weddy from ice sheets on the river Elbe near Hollern-Twielenfleth, Germany. Some 30 members of relief organisations were involved in the rescue.