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镍是一种金属元素。Nickel is a metallic element.

镍矿砂及其精矿。Nickel ores and concentrates.

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伦敦交易所镍、锡价格上扬。Nickel and tin rose in London.

一个五分币今天不值一分钱。A nickel isn't worth a dime today.

框架是古铜色的镍钢。Frames are in bronzed nickel steel.

令人惊叹的镍不锈钢台面。Stunning Stainless Nickel Countertops.

介绍了一些镀薄镍后封闭的方法。Some sealing methods after thin nickel.

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中国已经使用青铜和铜镍合金。Chinese use bronze and copper nickel alloys.

他想花5分钱让我再给他一个“热狗”吃。He wanted to nickel me up for another hot dog.

备有光铬,沙镍两种颜色。Polished chrome and sand nickel are available.

它可能也是由铁和镍组成的。It also is probably composed of iron and nickel.

东连镍都金昌,西接古郡酒泉。Jinchang nickel east are the west Jiuquan Gogun.

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挠痒者在绰号"镍币"上刺了个勾号。The tickler pricked atick on the nickname Nickel.

金属箍上的黑圈是黑镍。Those black rings on my ferrule are black nickel.

挠痒者正在绰号“镍币”上刺了个勾号。The tickler pricked a tick on the nickname Nickel.

除了一分和五分之外,其他的硬币都是银的。All but the penny and the nickel are made of silver.

高温处理显示镍空心球具有良好的热稳定性。The hollow nickel spheres exhibits good heat stability.

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尼龙材质或铜镀镍防水锁。Waterproof joint made by nylon or coppy plating nickel.

由萃余液可沉淀出碳酸镍粗产品。Crude nickel carbonate can be precipitated from raffinate.

也许糖果铺会是这些镍币的一个好归宿。Maybe candy would be a good use for that nickel after all.