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我,身在夏日的天堂,像是神仙。Me myself in the summer heaven, godlike.

所有人都惊叹于她天仙般的美貌。People were all shocked at her godlike beauty.

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所有的人都震惊于她天仙般的美貌。People were all shocked at her godlike beauty.

这条路让我感到自由并且像神一样。This path allows me to feel free and "godlike".

他暗示了道德选择力本身就是有神性的。He implies that it's the power of moral choice alone that is godlike.

现在,如果您是根用户,可以随意终止进程Now, if you are root, you can exercise your godlike powers and kill processes

巴尔德是所有最神圣的神,因为他是最纯净的和最好的。Balder was the most godlike of all the gods, because he was the purest and the best.

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苹果主义并非是一种信仰,但是它却有着救世主般的领导者--史蒂夫乔布斯。Appleism isn’t quite a religion, but it features an almost godlike leader, Steve Jobs.

同样,从韩国到越南,孔夫子一直被当作神像来崇拜。Confucius also continues to be a godlike figure revered in temples from Korea to Vietnam.

只要你从种族、国家和自身之上,升起一腕尺,你就真成了神一样的人。If you would rise but a cubit above race and country and self you would indeed become godlike.

在他的很多戏剧里,都含有神惩罚那些企图把自己当神的人类的情节。Many of his plays include instances in which the gods punish mankind for attempting to be godlike.

他拒绝像神一样永生,选择面对人类必须面对的痛苦和死亡。He turns down godlike immortality to embrace suffering and death that areessential to the human condition.

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特别是商家和娱乐团体,把“羊”炒得神乎其神。This is especially so in commercial and entertainment circles, where the sheep has attained a godlike status.

不仅仅能帮你节省宝贵的时间和精力,还让你带来有超常效率和速度的光环。Not only will such assistance save you valuable time and energy, it will give you a godlike aura of efficiency and speed.

诸如宗教领导地位的竞争会导致叛乱,并且对于他残暴的追随者而言,扎卡维是一个真正的埃米尔。Such rebellions benefit from having charismatic leaders, and Mr Zarqawi was a godlike emir to his bloodthirsty followers.

当你们屈服于他们的欺骗,你们变为他们的奴隶和名副其实的脚凳来使他们保持神一样的地位。When you succumb to their wiles you become their slaves and veritable footstools that enables them to maintain godlike status.

他声称自己“很痛心”,甚至还含蓄地表示他辜负了其父“让朝鲜人民吃白米饭,喝肉汤”的遗训。He was, he said, “heartbroken”, and implicitly acknowledged he had violated an oath to his godlike father, Kim Il Sung, to feed the people rice and meat soup.

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那是一种解读,而这个行为,带给他们对自身道德控制力的神性意识,正是对上帝的违背。That's one line of interpretation So the very action that brought them a godlike awareness of their moral autonomy was an action that was taken in opposition to God.

并且,在千年之后,他那已成为神圣与荣耀的传奇,将如同他那如同神话一般的剑一般,适合一位伟大帝王的身份。And then, more than a thousand years later, would be reborn in the form of a legend of a man, godlike and glorious, and of his sword, a legend in itself, fit for an emperor.

如果量子电脑真有这种神祇般的数学威力,或许我们只能期待它可以和曲速引擎或者反重力盾差不多同时上市。If quantum computers promised such godlike mathematical powers, maybe we should expect them on store shelves at about the same time as warp-drive generators and antigravity shields.