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一名富翁如愿以偿地娶到了一位美丽的女影星。A wealthy man fruitfully married a beautiful female movie star.

而今天他们也如愿以偿地拿到了关键的三分。But they also fruitfully had attained today the key three points.

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近代以来,许多思想家对代价问题做了有益的探索。As of modern times, many thinkers probed fruitfully into this subject.

在书上作记号,有各种各样好的、行之有效的方法。These are all kinds of devices for marking a book intelligently and fruitfully.

投入其中的精力本来可以用于成果更加丰富的政治斗争。The energy invested inthem could be used more fruitfully in the service of political struggle.

在过去岁月中,两国围绕一系列国际防扩散问题进行了卓有成效的合作。Over the years, the two countries have cooperated fruitfully on a series of non-proliferation issues.

这种互相证实的方法,对于如何使哲学与经验心理学更有效地互动亦是很好的参考例子。This symbiosis is an instructive example of how philosophy and empirical psychology can fruitfully interact.

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中国,经过了艰难的斗争,才被西方国家广泛认可。China's relationship with western countries can be fruitfully understood in terms of a struggle for acceptance.

与会者们还确定一些难以从其他角度获得丰硕成果的研究领域。The participants also identified areas of study that could not be researched fruitfully from other perspectives.

同样地,我也努力试著保持平衡,把休閒时间过得很充实。By the same token, I strive to maintain a balance life and find numerous ways to spend my leisure time fruitfully.

围绕“残疾人人人享有康复服务”目标,我省残疾人康复服务卓有成效。Enjoys the recovery service regarding disabled person everybody the goal, our province disabled person recovery serves fruitfully.

双方经贸、交通、通信、电力、基础设施建设等领域务实合作不断扩大,成果显著。The bilateral cooperation on trade, economy, transport, telecommunication, electricity and infrastructure construction grows fruitfully.

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这项原则完全适用于所有的直接谈判,像克里斯刚刚那个案例,也可以在复杂的多方会谈中收获颇丰。This principle works in fairly straightforward negotiations, like Chris’s, and can be applied fruitfully to complex multiparty negotiations as well.

准确把握公共文化的基本特性,对于卓有成效地开展城市公共文化建设,促进经济社会发展,具有十分重要的意义。It has extremely vital significance to carry out city public cultural construction fruitfully widely and promote the development of economic and society.

设计了该评价模型的原型系统,利用原型系统实施工程实例的可计算化评价,其实验结果的准确性、可靠性和稳定性有了明显改善和提高。The prototype is designed, which is applied to project case evaluation fruitfully , and the experiment results are veracious and reliable as well as stable.

韦圣伯主席代表来宾在致辞中表示,芬中贸协自成立以来一直与中国驻芬使馆和中国的合作伙伴保持着良好的合作关系。Martynov said that since the establishment of diplomatic ties between Belarus and China the bilateral relations have been moving forward steadily and fruitfully.

为了比较这2种清扫模式下扫雷艇期望损失的大小,应用马尔可夫过程理论对这两种清扫模式的扫雷舰艇期望损失进行了一定条件下的分析。The theory of Markov chains was fruitfully applied to estimating the expected mine-sweeper casualties of the two forms of the progressive sequence sweeping technique.

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那个年代,随着印刷文化的出现,公共手段开始成为影响方式,都在新历史主义得到研究,硕果累累。That age--the emergence of print culture, the emergence of the public sphere as a medium of influence, has been fruitfully studied from New Historicist points of view.

我们反而要在其他两个时间框架下看待当前情势,才能得到最丰硕的成果,其一是1945年迄今,其二是约莫1450年迄今。Rather, we can most fruitfully look at the present situation in two other time frameworks, the one going from 1945 to today, and the one going from circa 1450 to today.

经过试区全体工作人员几年来卓有成效的工作,扶贫成果受到了各级组织的肯定与好评。Through trying area collectivity the staff member works fruitfully a few years, the achievement that help deficient up got the affirmation of various organization and reputably.