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神仙鱼是易于饲养的慈鲷科鱼种。Angelfish are an easy-to-keep cichlid species.

灰神仙鱼是常见的居民珊瑚礁。Gray angelfish are common inhabitants of coral reefs.

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“哦,你来和我一同睡吧,我的家黑黑的,十分安全。”胖胖的神仙鱼说。"Oh, you come with me to sleep, my home black, very safe. " Fat angelfish said.

这7公升小隔离检疫缸养了小丑鱼和石美人神仙。This is a small 7 litre quarantine tank keeping a clown fish and bicolor angelfish.

帝王神仙鱼以其身体和鳍上交错的强烈色彩带吸引目光。Aregal angelfish attracts the eye with alternating bands of strikingcolor on its body and fins.

但是不应将它们与霓虹灯或红莲灯一起饲养,因为这些灯科鱼对体型较大的神仙鱼来说是一种美味佳肴。They should not be kept with neons or cardinal tetras, though, as these tetras are a delicacy for the larger angelfish !

如今,蓝洞以海绵,梭鱼,珊瑚,天使鱼和一群常在洞边巡逻的鲨鱼而闻名。Today the Blue Hole is famed for its sponges, barracuda, corals, angelfish -and a school of sharks often seen patrolling the hole's edge.

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今天,蓝洞是闻名的海绵,梭子鱼,珊瑚,神仙,和一所学校的鲨鱼往往被巡逻的黑洞的边缘。Today the Blue Hole is famed for its sponges, barracuda, corals, angelfish —and a school of sharks often seen patrolling the hole's edge.

不应将活跃而显眼的虎皮鱼与鱼鳍长的鱼种放在一起饲养,那些鱼种例如有神仙鱼、足鱼或纱罗尾杂交鱼-这是因为虎皮鱼喜欢啃咬它们的鱼鳍!The lively and recognizable Tiger barb should never be kept with long-finned species, such as angelfish , gouramis, or Veiltail hybrids as they like to nibble at their fins!

色彩鲜艳的橘红色和白色相间的小丑鱼、霓虹色的双色天使鱼好像总是和你若即若离,而黑黄相间的蝴蝶鱼则径直从右侧游过来,吃掉了我手中的面包。The conspicuous orange and white clownfish and the neon bicolor angelfish seemed to keep an arm's length away, while the black and yellow butterfly fish came right up and ate out of my hand.