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白金长矗悦来做珠宝饰物。Platinum is used to jewelry.

铂是美洲的金属。Platinum is an American metal.

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白金的价值高于黄金。Platinum exceeds gold in value.

那个铂原子核就是如此这般的一个骗子。That platinum is such a trickster.

银与铂金也下跌。Silver and platinum went down, too.

有许多种类的白金卡。There are numerous types of platinum cards.

金银条,金银块或金银片。Buildings are rated silver, gold or platinum.

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首先是普拉的图鉴。The first being the Pokedex colour of Platinum.

铂金镶榄尖形切割钻石吊坠。Pendant of round brilliant diamonds in platinum.

您可以购买黄金级和铂金级电话支持。You can purchase Gold and Platinum phone support.

这是优达因公司发行的威士白金卡。It's a Visa platinum card issued by Yoyodyne Bank.

铂金镶榄尖形切割钻石吊坠。Pendant with round brilliant diamonds in platinum.

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Visa白金卡是公认的顶级尊荣象征。Visa Platinum is the ultimate symbol of recognition.

您想要申请金卡还是白金卡?Would you like to apply for a gold or platinum card?

我更愿意用铂来做,如果可以的话。I'd prefer to make it out of platinum if I had my way.

隆明公司的铂金出产量位居世界第三。Lonmin is the world's third largest platinum producer.

银卡,金卡和白金卡标志着不同的财富阶层。Silver, gold and platinum cards denote wealth classes.

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本文提出了一种新型箔式铂电阻表面温度传感器。A new platinum foil temperature transducer is described.

黄金固然好,但是作为“我爱你”的信物,铂金的价值则远高于黄金了。Gold is nice, but nothing says "I love you" like platinum.

白金饰品尼尔从地里马尔继续。Platinum jewelry from both Neil Lane and Beaudry Continue.