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我会著色。I can color.

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你会著色吗?Can you color?

别的颜色呢?Any other color?

不要使用彩色。Do not use color.

我喜欢这颜色。I like the color.

它的颜色是红色。Its color is red.

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我喜欢这个颜色。I like that color.

我喜欢什么颜色?Me gusta el color?

红宝石般的明艳色泽。Ruby red in color.

足趾浅肉色。Toes shallow color.

深邃深厚的石榴红光彩。A deep garnet color.

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酒体呈深紫色。A deep purple color.

我知道如何著色。I know how to color.

它会变颜色。It can change color.

浅禾秆色。Pale straw in color.

请给它涂上红颜色。Please color it red.

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他们是什么颜色?What color are they?

这句话的嬑媤是“我看你真色”?I see you true color?

我不爱好这色彩。No me gusta el color.