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你希望自己的名字被人记住吗?Do you hope to memorialize your name?

你是否希望人们记住你的名字?Do you hope to memorialize your name?

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他们建了凯旋门来纪念胜利。They built a triumphal arch to memorialize their victory.

然后他们开始迅速寻找一种恒久的方法来纪念他们钟爱的儿子。They quickly set about to find a lasting way to memorialize their beloved son.

为了纪念的时刻,他需要对自己的智能手机照片面带愁容。To memorialize the moment, he takes a smart-phone photo of himself looking sad.

这是一个纪念在1996年葬身珠峰的登山者斯科特·菲舍尔的石冢。A cairn and stone marker memorialize climber Scott Fischer, who died on Everest in 1996.

对我而言,这只是对逝去的美好的一个纪念仪式,所以结果并不重要。It was only a ceremony to memorialize the lost happiness, the results wasn't important any more.

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如今她即将跟随丈夫离开中国,心中充满了依依不舍之情。Now she is leaving with her husband and she wrote this article to memorialize her life in China.

玛雅人非常意识到太阳系是365天,但选择去向数字360请愿。The Maya were well aware that a solar system is 365 days but chose to memorialize the number 360.

为了纪念耶稣大部分西方人都庆祝圣诞节作为他们的主要节日。Most westerners always celebrate Christmas Day as their major festival, in order to memorialize Jesus.

葬礼不该仅仅是为了追念逝者,还要给予生者希望。Funerals should not only serve to memorialize the dead, but also to give hope to those they`ve left behind.

捡拾城市片段的人事地物,陆先铭以纪实的眼光择取了纪录的对象。By selecting fragments of the city, Lu Hsien -Ming chooses to memorialize actual objects within our purview.

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为了纪念这一天,我们的老祖宗把新年农历的第一天定为“春节”。In order to memorialize this day, our ancestors decided that the first lunar calendar day of the Chinese Year is the Spring Festival.

在南社成立一百周年的时候,我特别翻印此诗集,以纪念我亲爱的祖母姚竹心。Thus, I made a special effort to re-print her poetry anthology at the centenary of Nan She to memorialize my dear grandmother Yao Zhuxin.

但我非常有信心的是我们有着广泛的战略,一,我希望我们可以在一个声明纪念由今年年底。But what I am very confident about is that we share a broad strategy, one that I hope we can memorialize in a declaration by the end of this year.

网上葬礼不会保留骨灰,而是建立一个网上墓地,通过发布讣闻和悼念信息来纪念死者。Online funerals would not retain the ashes, but set up an online cemetery and memorialize the deceased by posting an obituary and funeral messages.

网上葬礼不会保留骨灰,而是建立一个网上墓地,通过发布讣闻和悼念信息来纪念死者。Online funerals or burials would not retainthe ashes, but set up an online cemeteryand memorialize the deceasedby posting an obituary and funeral messages.

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作为回应,萨卡什维利讽刺说,既然俄罗斯能允许开放一个博物馆来纪念镇压俄罗斯的格鲁吉亚人,他倒也不吝于给那去处捐出些银钱。Saakashvili responded sarcastically that Russia was free to open a museum to memorialize Georgian oppression of Russians, and that he would even donate the funds.

在1925年3月12日,孙中山先生病逝,为了纪念他对中国所作出的伟大贡献,政府把每年的3月12日定为植树节。On March 12th, 1925, Mr. Sun passed away, in order to memorialize the great contribution he had make to our country, the government decided every year of this day is the tree-planting day.

在满怀热情地纪念心脏山重新安置中心的同时,人们付出了更广泛的努力,记录并修复和日裔集中营有关的遗址,同时,让年老的幸存者仍然能够分享他们的经历。The drive to memorialize Heart Mountain coincides with a broader push to document and restore sites associated with Japanese internment while aging survivors are still able to share their stories.