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她不断请求她丈夫多给她些钱。She importune her husband for more money.

尽管你追求他们而我讨你厌。Whom thine eyes woo as mine importune thee.

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可是我也不愿意委曲我那年轻的表妹。But I will no longer importune my young cousin.

可是我也不愿意勉强我那年轻的表妹。But I will no longer importune my young cousin.

万物都有它的宿命,我们不能强求。Everything has it 's destiny, we cannot importune.

总之我不希望你胡搅蛮缠或妥协。Above all I do not wish to importune or compromise you.

有爱人、有家固然重要,但是强求不来的。Lover and family are very important, but that cann't importune.

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所以我现在不会强求别人,要尽量不要给别人带来压力。So now I am not importune others, don't try to give others to bring pressure.

妻子当然多数时候不愿意,但终究拗不过我的胡搅蛮缠。Of course most of the time his wife do not want to, but ultimately fail to beat my importune.

所以,对名利的态度应该是,不强求,也不推诿。Therefore, the right attitude to fame and wealth is not to importune and not to shuffle them.

有时候为了强求一样东西而令自己的身心都疲惫不堪,是很不划算的。It is not cost-efficient that sometimes we make ourselves exhausted just to importune something.

不管怎么样,最重要的是,我不想强求或委屈您,我只想守着您到瞑目之时。Above all I do not wish to importune or compromise you. I only want to love you to my last sight.

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如何选择合适的模式,要从各地实际情况出发,毋需强求统一。However, how to select appropriate model?We should do according to practice, not importune unification.

这可能会促使政府采取行动,但如果政府没有作为的话,国会会采取强有力的行动。That may importune the administration to act, but if they don’t, there’s a strong move in Congress to do so.

在人生的某些时刻,常有一种神秘的微音来惊觉或搅扰我们的心神,他是否也听到过这种微音呢?Did he understand all those mysterious murmurs which warn or importune the spirit at certain moments of life?

业余选手可能会导致事故和可能无法建立正确的棚架倒塌允许它在胡搅蛮缠的场合。Amateurs could cause accidents and may not build the scaffolding correctly allowing it to collapse at importune occasions.

不过,对于珠宝,她却没有非凡的嗜好,而是现成的款式就行,不强求一定要订做。Nevertheless, to gem, she does not have special hobby however, however off-the-peg design goes, do not importune must order do.

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酗酒、有暴力倾向,爱酒后打人,以至于他每次都要躲在邻居家玩耍,以此来逃脱他父亲酒醉后的胡搅蛮缠。Alcoholism , violence, love to drink hit that every time his neighbor play hide in order to escape after his father's drunken importune.

就是说,人要有自知之明,处世做人,要量力而行,不强求自己能力以外的物事。That is to say, one have to know one's limitation, act according to one's ability, never importune something which is out of one's power.

兆邦知道毅昕的工作表现出色,叹女儿即将嫁到彼邦,他不能强求女儿牺牲幸福留下来。Osborn know YiXin performance outstanding, sigh a daughter is married to Peter bond, he cannot importune daughter sacrifice happiness to stay.