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这是插入语。This is parenthetical.

你也可以使用附加组。You can also use parenthetical grouping.

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在插入符号中描述列表。Representing lists in parenthetical notation.

中括号中的文字表示参数名称。Parenthetical text indicates the parameter name.

坦白地讲,我无法使算术表达式和括号嵌套保持清晰。I can’t, frankly, keep arithmetic expressions and parenthetical nestings clear.

您还可以指定一个对象用以通过一个附加参数进行显式的锁定。You can also specify an object to lock explicitly with a parenthetical parameter.

福克斯正在插入一大段题外话,讲他在该国边境游历的故事。Fox was making a long parenthetical remark about his travels on the border of the country.

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所有括号内的子表达式都求值完毕后,表达式的其它部分再求值。When all parenthetical subexpressions have been evaluated, the rest of the expression is evaluated.

是的,中间我插了一句道克林顿时期的增长率比许多人想象得要快。怎么了?Yes, I had a parenthetical aside about Clinton-era growth being faster than most people realize. So?

避免不必要的逗号,而附加式说明需要用逗号隔开。Eliminate commas, that are, not necessary. Parenthetical words _ however _ should be enclosed in commas.

我们限制我们的研究到使用插入语的三字母缩写上。We restricted our study to three-letter abbreviations which were defined using parenthetical expressions.

恐惧与荣耀“,在书的第二部分,插叙引出了。In "The Horror and the Glory," the second half of the book as originally written, that voice becomes the parenthetical.

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插入语是一个句子中即使被删掉也不影响句子的部分。A parenthetical clause or phrase is one that can be removed without changing the meaning of the sentence or making it ungrammatical.

图4。所用的各种方法所获得的LSVM频率分布。括号内的图例说明是对700百帕的,其它的则是500百帕的。Fig. 4. LSVM frequency distributions for each method used. Parenthetical legend information is for 700 hPa, the other is for 500 hPa.

此演示文稿将提到我们的一真神的主,以通常与他有关的任何名称偶尔括号引用。This presentation will refer to our One True God as Lord, with occasional parenthetical references to any Name commonly associated with Him.

67页,这是一段插叙,叙事者在评论,他诉说过的经历。On 267, this is in one of these parenthetical passages where the narrator is commenting on what he's just given account of in his experience.

为了避免指导方针标题过于冗长,该指导方针标题的附加说明的重述可以使用缩写形式以备参考。In the case of lengthy guideline headings, such a parenthetical restatement of the guideline heading may be abbreviated for ease of reference.

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通过修辞语法,知识构成了诗歌和对话――易于插话,质疑以及转移话题。By the grammar of rhetoric, knowledge was structured as poetry and dialogue -- subject to interruption, questioning, and parenthetical diversions.

相应地,你可以嵌入简短的附加说明,当用户将鼠标移到小的内敛图标上时会弹出,如图5-9所示。Accordingly, you might embed short, parenthetical information that pops up when users pass over a small, inline icon, such as that shown in Figure 5-9.

马可插了一小句评论,他说,这是说,各样的食物,都是洁净的,换言之马可做了外邦人基督教的举动。Here Mark gives a little parenthetical comment he says, "By saying this,Jesus declared all foods clean." In other words, Mark does a good little Gentile Christianity move.