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改变的只是侧重点。What has changed is emphasis.

重视职业教育。Emphasis on vocational education.

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侧重点的改变至关重要。A change in emphasis will be essential.

重点放在非西方作家的作品。The emphasis is on non-western writers.

人物画是强调在乌苏。Figure painting was the emphasis at USU.

我很重视自由及不慌不忙。I put much emphasis on free-and-easy-going.

第一个观点是,它非常强调学习的作用。The first is a strong emphasis on learning.

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使用独特的副标题和强调符号。Use unique looking sub-headings and emphasis.

我们重点突出教与学。We have an emphasis on teaching and learning.

因此,重点应该放在这些道路使用者上。So emphasis should be put on these road users.

你把最后一个音节读得太重。You put too much emphasis on the last syllable.

此外,地理学还强调发生学原则。Besides, it lays emphasis on genetic principles.

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工作的重点是在行医时对病人的关怀方面。The emphasis was on the human side of doctoring.

相反,皮拉马尔将重点放在三个新的领域。Instead, Piramal has three new areas of emphasis.

苦干加巧干,本科重点有希望。Work hard and smart, the emphasis will have hope.

在中国,人们很是正视讲礼貌。In China, there is alot of emphasis on politeness.

山东菜系注重汤品。Soups are given much emphasis in Shangdong dishes.

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这场比赛是限时的,重点在于机敏。The race is timed, but the emphasis is on agility.

更关注社会学方面,and a bigger emphasis on like sociological aspect,

强度感也因此被置入到了这样一个精巧修长的设计中。Emphasis was thus placed on a slim, refined design.