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弓是恶念的象征。The bow is symbolic of evil intentions.

日本天皇的权利是象征性的。The power of Mikado in Japan is symbolic.

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这个函数会读取一个符号链接的目标。This reads the target of a symbolic link.

梦是用一种深度象征的语言来的表达。Dreams speak in a deeply symbolic language.

我觉得时辰钟是人生的最好的象征了。I think the clock is most symbolic of life.

它同时支持数字和符号名称。It supports both numeric and symbolic names.

很多绘画作品都富含象征寓义。Many paintings are rich in symbolic overtones.

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黄色在梦中是智力的象征。Yellow is symbolic of the intellect in dreams.

齐泽克,拉康,真实与象征秩序。Zizek, Lacan, the Real and the Symbolic Order.

汇率操纵者的标签将是一个有象征意义的打击。The manipulator label would be a symbolic slap.

这所学校有十分重要的象征意义。The seminary is of enormous symbolic importance.

但在眼下,一个象征性的时刻即将出现。But for now, a symbolic moment is about to occur.

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他以象征主义和神秘主义看历史。Yeats saw history in symbolic and mystical terms.

爱德华改装我的卡车象征着现在的我。Edward redoing my truck is symbolic of the new me.

但你如何找到一块象征性思维的化石呢?But how do you find a fossil of a symbolic thought?

结婚戒指通常是爱情象征的表示。A wedding ring is usually a symbolic gesture of love.

万里长城所象征的就是这种防御观念。The great wall is symbolic of such defensive concept.

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当然这是一个抽象的叉乘。And, of course, it is a highly symbolic cross-product.

万里长城所象征的就是这种防御观念。The Great Wall is symbolic of such a defensive concept.

室外禁烟令可能会带来象征性的胜利。A ban on outdoor smoking may provide a symbolic victory.