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这儿有一把雨伞。Here is an umbrella.

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它是你的雨伞。It\'s your umbrella.

我能看见一把伞。I can see an umbrella.

这是雨伞节。It's an umbrella snake.

你的雨伞在哪儿?Where is your umbrella?

这伞是谁的?Whose is this umbrella?

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让我拿着伞。Let me hold the umbrella.

我可以借一把伞吗?May I borrow an umbrella?

她坐在一把伞下。She sat under an umbrella.

随身带把伞。Take an umbrella with you.

我们没有带伞。We don't have any umbrella.

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但他忘记带伞了。But he forgets his umbrella.

他跑回去拿雨伞。He ran back for an umbrella.

请给我带一把伞。Please carry me an umbrella.

这把雨伞你把它带上。Take this umbrella with you.

雨伞在近门处。The umbrella is by the door.

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伞架-伞架倒了。The umbrella rack fell down.

这把伞是由纸做成的。This umbrella is 9 10 paper.

雨水从伞上滴答下来。Rain drips from the umbrella.