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我准备结束这一战争。I intend to end this war.

我要给我的房门上锁。I intend to lock my door.

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你说这些话是什么意思?What do you intend for your words?

也许他们是想行刺我。Perhaps they intend to assassinate me.

我们也准备与巴基斯坦合作。We intend to work with Pakistan as well.

如果你要投票选举,你就必须登记。You must register if you intend to vote.

你想话揾中国大使馆咩?Do you intend to find the Chinese Embassy?

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你打算为那只打烂的花瓶赔偿吗?Do you intend to poy for that broken vase?

我不打算讨论我的私人生活。I don’t intend to discuss my private life.

我不打算让我们的教育被别人领先。And I don't intend to have us out-educated.

我筹算在这个年假打篮球。I intend to play basketball thellos winter.

有一个职位空了出来,我想要补上。A vacancy has arisen which I intend to fill.

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你要一个血肉之躯的孩子做什麽?What you intend to do with a child of flesh.

你打算如何将这一观念付诸实践呢?How do you intend to carry out this strategy?

我愿意抓住这个机会,使它变成一种力量。I intend to take that and make it a strength.

我们假设这是个特别简单的问题。We intend it to be a really easy problem set.

打算从紐约开車到洛杉矶。I intend to drive from New York to Los Angeles.

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我们打算做的动画潜龙谍影中央。We intend to do Metal Gear Solid Movie Central.

她不图回报她的好心。She doesn't intend to be repaid to her kindness.

你打算对我讲真话吗?D o you intend to be completely truthful with me?