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华盛顿将会资助许多新建的州医疗保险交易所。Washington will subsidise many of those on the new state exchanges.

所以政府应补贴为后来者探路的行业先锋企业。So the government should subsidise pioneers who break a path for others.

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芬兰和英国政府表示,他们不会对核电提供补贴。The Finnish and British governments say they will not subsidise nuclear power.

肿大淋巴结消退比硬下疳晚,约需几个月左右。前列腺钙化?。Lymph node subsidise hard chancre late, than it should take about a few months or so.

英国政府仍通过对国产燃料征收优惠税率而对化石能源提供补贴。The British still subsidise fossil fuels by charging a bargain rate of tax on domestic fuel.

采用用户支付方式意味着纳税人将无需再补贴签证申请人。The user-pays approach means that taxpayers will no longer need to subsidise visa applicants.

因此,EH治疗的新目标已被提高为消退LVH、改善MF和恢复心肌功能。Therefore, the updated cures of EH are to subsidise LVH, improve MF and resume cardiac muscle.

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美国政府还计划出台新税收抵免政策,以为小企业增加工作岗位提供补贴。Then there are plans to create a new tax credit to subsidise the creation of jobs by small businesses.

报纸在新闻界的垄断力已消退,竞争将永久存在。Newspaper is in the monopoly power of journalism already subsidise , competition will be permanent exist.

政府补贴买房购屋是由于他们断定此举会推动稳定和更加守法的生活社区。Governments subsidise home ownership because they think it encourages stable, more law-abiding neighbourhoods.

在许多地区,清真寺是当地新委员会的办公处,并接受救济品以资助其活动。In many districts the mosque is the seat of the new local council, receiving alms to subsidise its activities.

政府透过给家长学券支付幼稚园学费,来资助学前教育。The government will subsidise pre-school education by giving parents vouchers they can use to pay kindergarten fees.

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德国的电子产业需要政府来补贴德国每家每户,以便他们可以购买高效节能冰箱。In Germany the electronics industry wants the government to subsidise households to buy new energy-efficient fridges.

恩,最后还是穷人补贴富人,和美国”十年来之怪现状“也差不多。Agreed, in the end it is the poor who subsidise the rich and is about the same as America's "decade of strange situations."

这些钱将用于补助非付费用户,而且传言会发给赤贫者免费的二手电脑。That money will be used to subsidise non-paying users, and there is talk of giving free second-hand computers to the poorest.

扪诊可触到扁平、颗粒样较致密的区域,边缘不清,经后亦不消退。Palpation can hit the area with more compact model of compressed, grain, the edge is not clear, after classics also not subsidise.

宝宝早上起来前囟有些鼓起,过一会会自己消退,会是什么原因呢?Some beat of the Xin before darling rises in the morning rise, meet oneself a little while too subsidise , what reason can you be?

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国际基金应该被用来补贴低息贷款来支持高能效建筑或支付技术转移的费用。International funds could be used to subsidise low-interest loans to energy-efficient buildings, or to pay for technology transfer.

你可以糟蹋市场,歪曲它,给它发津贴或对它课税,但它根源于人类的天性,并最终证明你有多大能耐。You can abuse the market, distort it, subsidise it or tax it, but it is rooted in human nature and will prove your master in the end.

政府也许想资助大学招录英才,或者为分数线边缘的考生提供贷款、助学金或补救性教学。The government may want to subsidise that search or subsidise loans and bursaries or provide remedial teaching for borderline candidates.