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我们的平均速度时80英里每小时。Our speed averaged at 80 mph.

车速达到每小时30英里时要换高挡。Shift up when you reach 30 mph.

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速度计接近120英里每小时。The speedometer was touching 120 mph.

这款超级保时捷时速能达到205迈。This super-Porsche could hit 205 mph.

速度计指示着每小时95英里。The speedometer was indicating 95 mph.

我们以最低每小时55英里速度飞驶。We zipped along at a minimum of 55 mph.

它在30,000英尺高度的巡航速度超过每小时500公里。Its cruise speed was over 500 mph at 30,000 feet.

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他被指控在一个时速55英里的区域内开车开到时速75英里。He was charged with driving 75 mph in a 55 mph zone.

“伊莎贝尔”正以每小时14英里的速度向西北偏西方向移动。Isabel is moving toward the west-northwest near 14 mph.

到一九六零年代,火箭飞机的时速已近四千英里。By the 1960's rocket planes approached speed of 4000 mph.

它将做五十五英里每小时在地面上,并一百十英里每小时在空中。It would do 55 mph on the ground, and 110 mph in the air.

它的标准上都XC60的模式,并积极高达19英里。It's standard on both XC60 models and is active up to 19 mph.

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事实上,该车在时速超过45、55和65英里时将给出语音警告。In fact, the car will chime when it hits 45, 55 and then 65 mph.

他们的速度达每小时70英里,大约3秒钟,从150英尺的高空坠落。They reached 70 mph during the roughly three-second, 150-foot drop.

这个家伙可以在水面上以60英里每小时的速度行驶,可以把那些所谓的水陆两用车远远甩在后面。Far from a glorified Amphicar, this baby can do 60 mph on the water.

对于大多数汽车而言,燃料使用率自车速达到60英里/时后开始急速下降。For most vehicles, fuel efficiency begins to drop rapidly at 60 mph.

政府规定电动自行车的最高车速为12英里,但制造商们把车辆越造越大,轻而易举地打破了限速。Government regulations limit the top speed of e-bikes to about 12 mph.

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火车将运送着货物在260英尺的海床上以每小时60公里的速度奔驰。Trains would whisk cargos at up to 60 mph 260 feet beneath the seabed.

这种卡车靠铅酸蓄电池运行,时速25英里,可行驶约40至60英里。Lead-acid batteries ran the vehicle at 25 mph for about 40 to 60 miles.

还记那些写着大大的“55”两个字、设计限速为每小时85英里的车速表吗?Remember those speedometers with the big "55" that maxed out at 85 mph?