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像doxepin这类抗抑郁药物以及像Xanax这类抗焦虑药物也会使你的情况更糟。Antidepressants like doxepin and antianxiety drugs like Xanax also boost your odds.

比如,如果你有失眠症的话,你的医生会建议开给你抗焦虑的药物。For instance, your doctor may suggest an antianxiety medicine if you have insomnia.

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如果您长期服用抗焦虑药物,不要突然停用。If you've been taking an antianxiety medicine for a long time, do not quit abruptly.

结论西酞普兰是一种安全、有效的抗焦虑药。Conclusion Citalopram is an effective and safe antianxiety drug with good tolerance and compliance.

动物的初步研究也支持了胡荽的另一传统用法——用于抗焦虑症。Preliminary studies in animals support another traditional use for coriander — as an antianxiety herb.

医生让他口服抗焦虑药舍曲林和镇静药硝氯安定,并让他重返战场。The doctor sent him back to war armed with the antidepressant Zoloft and the antianxiety drug clonazepam.

COM从与杰克逊家庭过从甚密的人那打听得来,这些药片不仅包括止痛药,也有一些抗忧郁的药。quoted a source close to the family as saying the pills included not just painkillers but also antianxiety meds like Xanax and Valium.

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到了1960年,第一代抗抑郁与抗焦虑药物问世了,很快地,正确诊断以便对症下药,就变得极为重要。By 1960 the first antidepressant and antianxiety drugs were introduced. It quickly became critically important to match the patient with the right treatment.

结论抗焦虑治疗和健康教育能提高胃食管反流病患者的治愈率,降低其复发率,提高患者的生活质量。Conclusions Antianxiety treatment and health education can improve the cure rate of GERD, reduce the relapse rate and benefit the quality of life of patients.

卡瓦胡椒,长的对于它的可忧虑的影响的流行,最终地被发现对肝脏有毒,有时中肯切题损坏它需要移植。Kava, long popular for its antianxiety effects, was ultimately found to be toxic to the liver, sometimes damaging it to the point that a transplant is needed.

在给老鼠喂食含细菌的食物之前,研究人员切断了它们的迷走神经,然后便发现GABA受体的改变和焦虑降低效果消失了。The changes in GABA receptors and the antianxiety effects of L. rhamnosus disappeared when the researchers cut the vagus nerve before feeding the bacteria to mice.

另一项研究也显示,这些处方抗焦虑药物松弛了下食道括约肌,这种括约肌可以保持胃酸。Other research has shown that these prescription antianxiety drugs loosen up the lower esophageal sphincter, the ring of muscle that keeps stomach acid where it belongs.

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结论焦虑、抑郁性障碍在脑卒中患者中的发生率高,抗焦虑、抑郁治疗的疗效显著。Conclusion The frequencies of anxious and depressive disorders in patients with stroke are very high, and the apparent effect of antianxiety agents and antidepressants are observed.

结论FD与精神心理因素关系密切,胃肠动力药联合抗焦虑、抗抑郁药治疗能明显提高FD患者的疗效。Conclusions FD has close relationship with psychological factors, combination of prokcinetics and antianxiety drugs, antidepressants can realize good results in the treatment of FD patients.