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在罗马尼亚你可不能这么做。You can't really do that in Romania.

我还以为我在罗马尼亚杀害了这个混蛋。Thought I killed that fucker in Romania.

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特兰西瓦尼亚也位于罗马尼亚。Transylvania is also located in Romania.

约瑟夫•朱兰生于罗马尼亚布勒伊拉。Joseph Juran was born in Braila, Romania.

艾米丽把罗马尼亚地图挂在墙上。Amalie hangs the map of Romania on the wall.

前蓝军球员阿德里安.穆图是罗马尼亚的队长。Former Blue Adrian Mutu is captain of Romania.

罗马尼亚和匈牙利正在接受国际货币基金组织的救助。Romania and Hungary are operating under I.M.F.

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她目前栖身于罗马尼亚的一处难民营。She is recovering at a refugee centre in Romania.

橙衣军团将在C小组中还要面对法国和罗马尼亚。The Oranje also face France and Romania in Group C.

也包括西班牙、瑞典和罗马尼亚的皇室。Also included are royals from Spain, Sweden and Romania.

我爱上了一个53岁的罗马尼亚男人。I`ve fallen in love with a 53 year-old-man from Romania.

1920年,特兰西瓦尼亚与罗马尼亚的结盟被批准。Union of Transylvania with Romania was ratified in 1920.

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罗马尼亚位于东南欧巴尔干半岛东北部。Romania in the Balkans northeast of South-Eastern Europe.

看来这个故事很适合这个地方,回到罗马尼亚真不错。It seems to fit the place. It's good to be back in Romania.

在上周的世界杯预选赛中,威尔士队1比5负于罗马尼亚队。Last week Wales lost 5-1 to Romania in a World Cup qualifier.

为罗马尼亚如此身败名裂的角色感到骄傲。I'm proud of Romania for producing such an infamous character.

它与罗马尼亚的国界沿着普鲁特河和多瑙河下游。Its border with Romania follows the Prut and lower Danube rivers.

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罗马尼亚国王米哈依尔退位,罗马尼亚成为人民共和国。King Michael of Romania abdicated in favor of a People′s Republic.

达文·埃里克森现居纽约和布加勒斯特两地。Davin Ellicson is based between New York and in Bucharest, Romania.

洛佩获得银牌,罗马尼亚科瓦柳获得铜牌。Lopez won the silver, and Mihai Covaliu of Romania took the bronze.