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发烧是感冒的一种表现形式。Fever is one manifestation of cold.

发烧是受凉的一种表现。Fever is one manifestation of a cold.

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这实在是上帝能力的表显。Here was a manifestation of divine power.

请看稍后贪欲之神的表现。Let's look at a later manifestation of Mammon.

为你并没有马上彰显感到开心吧!Be glad that you don't have instant manifestation.

上腹不适是其常见表现。Epigastric upset is the most common manifestation.

而记忆恰是想象的孪生子吧。Memory is actually a manifestation of imagination.

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也许这是他“恋母”的一个体现。Perhaps, it is the manifestation of his "Oedipus".

记忆是想象的展现。Memory is actually a manifestation of imagi- nation.

炫耀摆阔性的消费是力量的证明。Conspicuous consumption was a manifestation of power.

慝是道在万物里面的显示。Te is the manifestation of the Tao within all things.

让所有的耶西德部族知道我的表现。And let all the clans of Yezid know of my manifestation.

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资产阶级思想的表现。This is a manifestation of petty-bourgeois individualism.

数学化是数学思维的表现形式。Mathematics way is the manifestation of mathematics thought.

低血糖症有时是显著的临床表现。Hypoglycemia is sometimes a prominent clinical manifestation.

有些人觉得写博客是一种裸露癖的表现。Some think that blogging is a manifestation of exhibitionism.

职务犯罪是腐败现象的极端表现。Job-related crimes are an extreme manifestation of corruption.

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基督徒的生命,是这个复活的表现。The Christian life is an outworking and manifestation of such.

其临床表现复杂多样,因此关于“黄汗”曾有多种解释。The clinical manifestation of"Yellow sweat disease"is complex.

女性颜面部黄褐斑是妇科临床常见病症。Female's Chloasma Faciei is frequent manifestation in clinica1.