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那张我儿子的照片是在他自己做的三轮车上照的。And the one of my son is a trike that he built.

三轮车坐在一个地方对轴承的轴向负荷。Sitting on a trike places an axial load on the bearings.

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小时候我有一个粗笨的塑料制造的大车轮的三轮车。When I was a kid, I had a big wheels trike made of thick hard plastic.

我们的自行车或三轮车计划无需要昂贵或难以找到的地方。None of our bike or trike plans require expensive or hard-to-find parts.

对于90度交叉成员三轮车的设计,该折是延长1英寸的显示。For the 90 degree Cross-member Trike Design, the Gusset is extended by an inch as shown.

建立一个低和快速横卧蝌蚪三轮车,或从一个坚固的承载我们的计划三轮车。Build a low and fast recumbent tadpole trike, or a sturdy load carrying trike from our plans.

这不仅设计提供了优良的强度,它也给了三轮车一触摸艺术风格。Not only does this design offer excellent strength, it also gives the trike a touch of artistic styling.

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然而,前悬挂系统轻易挫伤妨碍的处理,因为三轮车更倾向于动摇。However, a lightly dampened front suspension system hampers handling, as the trike is more inclined to sway.

母亲的长筒袜经常脱线。很可能是小孩子把三轮车停在人行道上造成的。Mothers frequently have runs in their stockings. Likely as not, Junior didn't park his trike off the sidewalk.

在设计的最大误解是一个横卧三轮车轴承要求为前线和后方的枢纽。The biggest misunderstanding in designing a recumbent trike is the requirement for both front and rear hub bearings.

后方转向概念已经应用在蝌蚪和德尔塔三轮车配置没有任何停留的成功。The rear steering concept has been applied to both Tadpole and Delta trike configurations without any staying success.

由于这些允许的用法非常宽松的公差,极端三轮车帧定位将不会是一个关键问题。Since the usage of these bearings allows very loose tolerances, extreme trike frame alignment will not be a critical issue.

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退房自由,简单的项目和一些教程上面如果这是你第一次的自行车或三轮车的计划。Check out some of the free, simple projects and tutorials above if this is your first time building a bike or trike from plans.

如果所有的重量放在轴远低于中,三轮车将有出色的处理,不论重量分布。If all the weight is placed well below the axle, the trike is going to have excellent handling regardless of weight distribution.

共有额定载荷为130公斤,25公斤的彪悍,暂停后货架,专为高骑三轮车特别强调。Total rated load is 130 kg, 25 kg on the sturdy, suspended rear rack, designed particularly for the high stresses of trike riding.

下的前桥稳定杆的叉骨向外倾斜防止过度三轮车在快速过弯和骑手。The stabilizer bar under the wishbones of the front axle prevents trike and rider from leaning outward excessively in fast cornering.

最近,有投票的其他实现精益引导三轮车,让前面的车轮进入的方向倾斜。Lately, there have been other implementations of the lean steer trike that allow the front wheels to lean into the direction of the turn.

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阿瘦转向三轮车是一个3轮式车辆,从而带领本凭借所需方向的倾斜身体成骑手的。A lean steering trike is a three wheeled vehicle that steers by virtue of leaning the rider's body into the desired direction of the turn.

虽然这种反阿克曼减缓到死角的车辆,它允许三轮车,以更快的速度持续督导不稳定没有。Although this Anti-Ackerman slows the vehicles into corners, it does allow the trike to sustain faster speeds without steering instability.

贝尔曲柄相连的万向节,左,右拉杆,并能三轮车框架。钟曲轴装配如下。The Bell crank is attached to the universal joint, left and right tie rods, and to the trike frame. The bell crank assembly is shown below.